Adam thought he was a dead man.
Then he noticed he didn't feel the teeth on his leg. The snake’s fangs must've got smashed on the staff. He laughed and threw the snake against the wall. It was time to get the dead body out of the cabin and then check around for tools or food or just maybe some water. He dragged the dead man out and started to bury him a few meters away.
It was a grueling job.
It took a very long time but when he was done he somehow felt refreshed. He trudged back to the sodden cabin; the first thing he noticed was the hidden trap door in the roof. Then he saw a corner of a hidden door on the floor just sticking out from under the dirty rug. He could save the trap doors for later, time the look for food because he was famished.
He started to open drawers. There were weird vials of colourful fluid, leather harnesses, and some hand carved flutes with pictures of snakes. Hopefully they were snake charming flutes, he thought. Then he remembered the snake from before. He used the leather harness he had found to tie it up nice and snug so it couldn’t escape.
Now it was time to open the trap doors. He turned and got ready to pull the door open.
Sheebo island
AdventureHe looked up. where was he who was he the noises he heard horrible noises then they stopped he heard shuffling feet another one kill him or keep him...