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28 March 2020

The whole house was full of commotion. Why not? Prince and princess were going to be 18 tomorrow. In all this commotion no one saw naughtiest of the all, tiptoeing in one room.


A girl was sleeping peacefully, neither getting bothered by the noise in the house nor by the person entering her room. The young man went near her bed carefully. Removed her quilt carefully and yelled in her ears.



When are you going to be brave Geet, Yash ran after pulling her hair. Geet started running behind him. After getting tired they sat on the couch. Geet taking the advantage pulled his hair.

YASH: AAH Geet. Its hurting.

GEET: When are you going to grow up Yash. You always do this.

When are you going to wake up on your own. Even you know that noone can wake you up easily and you forgot tomorrow is our birthday. We have to purchase dresses as papa is going to introduce us to the world as prince and princess. We have to look good. Also we have to attend college first as you know how strict he is when it comes to education, said Yash in one breath.

GEET: Wowwww Yash, breathe. Lets get ready first and I already look like a princess. It is you we have to work on.

Hmmm. It took a while for Yash to understand what she said and it was already late as Geet was already running towards her room.

YASH: GEEEET. Wait I am not gonna leave.

GEET: First get ready Yash Laughed Geet and ran quickly before Yash can catch her.

RANO: When are they going to grow up. No one can believe that they are going to be 18 tomorrow. They fight like they are in kindergarden.

Dont worry Rano. Let them enjoy till the time they can. They have to take over their responsibilities. If they will not fight and then who will, said Mohindra taking Rano along with him to prepare for the party.


I cannot believe we are going to be 18 tomorrow. I know it is quiet special for everyone to turn 18 as they will finally counted as adults but it is more than SPECIAL for us, werewolves, as we will be able to shift into our werewolf form and few of the LUCKY werewolves can fight their mate. Some discover their mates when their mates turn 18. I hope I find my mate tomorrow.. I wont be able to wait any longer. Who he will be, which pack he will be from? So many questions.. and all will be answered tomorrow. Haaah, let me see where Yash is? Now he is not getting late.



The whole room was a mess. Why not? The prince of the house, werewolves was getting ready. Geet barged into his room like a terror.

GEET: What are you doing Yash? Now also you are not ready. You take longer than girls to get ready. Hurry up or we will be late.

YASH: Geet, I am a prince and practically the late day to enjoy my freedom as tomorrow I will find my mate. So, let me impress as many girls as I can.

GEET: HAHAHA. Who said girls will be impressed by you. No one looks at you and why are you trying to look like a prince, you know that nobody knows that we belong to a royal family.

YASH: GEEEEET. No one looks at me as you tag along me like a chipkoo and I have to suffer because of your and papas ideology of keeping our royal status a mum.

Just then he felt a cushion on his face.

GEET: HAHAHA. Look at your face Yash.

Behave you two. Arent you guys getting late for college. Come on be quick and here take this card for shopping. Remember to come back soon as we have to prepare for the party and at 12 you two have to shift also, said Rano who witnessed all the scene.

Alright YOUR HIGHNESS, said both Yash and Geet dramatically.


Hope you guys liked it. Do like and leave a comment to let me know your views. I have written few updates but will only update depending upon your response.

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