Part 2

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Yash and Geet were wandering from one showroom to another, not liking anything appropriate. After roaming for more than an hour, Geet finally liked one dress displayed on a mannequin for herself. Not wasting a minute she gave it for altering. Now all that was left was to purchase something for Yash.

GEET: See Yash, I told you, we will have to worry about you as it will take longer for us to make you look like a prince.

YASH: Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, dont start it over here. It is just that my taste is better. Now dont waste time, we have to help mum too.

After roaming for another half an hour they selected coat for Yash and gave it for altering.

YASH: Geet, I cannot wait to wear it

GEET: Hmmmm. Now you are going to wear something classy after long. So, I can understand your enthusiasm.

YASH: Geet can you stop pulling my leg for a while.. Now can I not talk to you about my feelings or my views. Huhhhhh, I will not talk to you.

GEET: Awwwwww. My sweet brother is angry. Okay sorry I wont pull your leg for today. Busss

YASH: Only for today. Geet tomorrow we will officially be introduced as prince and princess in front of the world. So, stop pulling my leg at least when we are in a public place

GEET: Sorry Yash. I cannot stop myself from pulling your leg and we are prince and princess. Being officially announced as one will not make a difference. Then also, you was, you are and you will be my brother till my last breath. So, I wont change even when we will meet our respective mates, not even when you will be alpha, not even when we will be parents or grandparents. So, learn to be alright with it.

YASH: Wowwwww. Geet, it is the first time you have said something sweet to me.

GEET: Okay okay. Chal abb, late ho raha hai.


29 March 2o19; 12:00am


GEET: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YASH; both wished eachother simultaneously, though they tease eachother like anything but it is a custom, which they donot compromise with. Thats the love they have for each other.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOTH OF YOU; wished Mohindra and Rano give them a warm hugs.

MOHINDRA: We can celebrate later on, I checked field is clear now its time for you two to shift. Rano you bring their spare clothes while you two come with me.

Their place was at little distance from the whole city. Both Geet and Yash used to complain a lot when they were young as they did not get to play with others. It was when they were 12 they got to know that they were werewolves. At first, they thought it to be a prank but then their father shifted in front of them. They were scared but their mother was there to console and comfort them. When they accepted the reality, they wanted to see their mother in her werewolf form, which she happily compiled with.


Yash and Geet were excited as well nervous. They heard from their werewolf friends that it pains a lot while for the first time, but it is a refreshing experience which is hard to explain.

Mohindra stood facing both of them. He very well knew what they were going through. He let them have a moment for themselves.

YASH: Geet, How will your werewolf be and how will be mine??? What powers will we have?

GEET: I do not know Yash. Do not disturb be as I am quiet nervous. What if I will not be able to shift?

YASH: Wow wow wow Geet. I have never seen you that nervous, you are always determined, what happened today? Dont worry I will be there with you.

GEET: Everything will be fine Geet. I and mum are their for you just let your insides overpower your mind. You know we all have wolf as our natural extincts. So, be as calm as you can be. I want you both to shift simultaneously. Just listen carefully and follow whatever I say. Is that fine???

Alright Dad.. both nodded.

MOHINDRA: Okay first of all, be calm. Take deep breaths. Let nature calm you. Now try to let your natural extincts overpower your mind and imagine yourself in a werewolf form.

It was Geet who felt her bones breaking, she started feeling pain as her body started shifting slowly and she started yelling as slowly the pain started becoming unbearable. Followed by Yash, who joined Geet in yelling. Their clothes were torn.

Both Mohindra and Rano stood their smiling yet with num eyes as they saw their kids shifting for the first time. Both of them were astonished to see that Geet has white wolf while Yash has brown wolf and both of them have blue eyes.

Geet after shifting turned towards Yash to saw a beautiful and cute brown wolf, who was already looking towards her. She went towards him and nuzzled him. Yash reciprocated her affection. Both looked towards their parents, to see both were in their werewolf forms.

MOHINDRA: Lets go for a run.

While running Geet felt the cold breeze touching her and made her feel calm. She was able to see every minute thing, her sense of smell was also strong as compare to earlier. After running for a while they reached a beautiful place. Though it was dark but she was able to see a beautiful waterfall. The place was so peaceful and calm that she instantly fell in love with the place

GEET: Papa can we come here again in daylight.

YASH: Yes dad, this place is so calming, would like to see it clearly in daylight.

MOHINDRA: Alright, I already knew that you both will love this place and I was hiding it from a year as I wanted you to come over here today. Okay lets go back tomorrow is a long day.

They went home. Everyone slept waiting for the new day to come.



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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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