Chapter 1

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Hey bitches! :D It's Andrea and Aubree here! This is our first story together so please bear with the mistakes. Vote and comment or else! Haha, XD vote if you want a lollipop, vote if you want to continue, vote if you're a certified bitch!

Haha ola! Xoxo


“CUT! TAKE TWO!” Ugh, no.


Myra winked at me, causing me to groan in frustration. The effeminate director began squealing like a high school girl who just had her crush pass her by and wink at her. The lyrics that he gave us a few hours ago was cute and all, but it really didn’t fit my style at all. Preferably because everything about it screamed ‘Playgirl’.

I’d rather not be a girl version of Christian Grey from 50 Shades of Grey, thank you very much.

“Great, great! That’s great! Now place your hands on your partner’s torso and feel your way down,” He directed with a vociferous expression on his face that feared me. My eyebrows arched at the sight of Director Shanes feeling his way on Jacob’s packed torso, who raised an eyebrow at him.

Glancing at my arrogant jerk of a partner, Jacob, he winked at me flirtatiously. Like Eww, he’s so flirtatious and disgusting.

Myra had been lucky enough to have a partner like Connor, he’s such a gentleman to her – that is, most of the time. He can be a prick sometimes, but he still has manners though, and not like my partner Jacob. When Director Shanes turned his back on us, Myra and I watched as Connor and Jacob gibed Director Shanes’ effeminate movements.

But I couldn’t help the laugh that effluent from my mouth. They’re so funny when they do that.

After the short demonstration, Myra and I went to our positions and continued filming the new music video that would be released next week to the public, especially in YouTube. I found myself grimacing internally in disgust as I gingerly caressed the packed torso Jacob possessed. Any girl would have wanted to die to be me, but dolefully, I’m dying not to be me.

It’s harder than it looks like to become Victoria Campbell.

“Great performance, Ladies! Let’s take five!” Director Shanes announced and I took a deep breath, effusing my emotions. “Finally,” I breathed, greedily pouring the contents of the water bottle in my mouth.

Myra approached me with a black robe around her, the revealing kitten corset covered and a red silk robe with the initials VC embroidered on it largely. “Thanks.” I reached out for the robe and wrapped it around my body, too conscious about the revealing lingerie I wore at the moment.

What bothered me was the goofy look on her face.

It disturbed me. “What?” I asked, wiping the off the oddments of water from my caked face. Eck. I hate liquid foundation. My make – up artists should opt for a more qualifying product next time before I fire them because of my frustration and annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2015 ⏰

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