Chapter 2 - The Taco of Terror

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Such a weird dream...
What was it about again..?
You turned around in your bed, trying to ignore the light in your room.
I should really sleep more... It's so nice...
You laid there for a few more minutes with no care in the world.
Then you noticed something.
Where are my cats..?
They usually wake you up at 4 am to make sure you feed them and are pissed. Well, they aren't here right now and it's already bright outside...
Weird, but you actually didn't care. It only meant that you have your peace for a bit longer.
At some point you heard a crash. Like something falling over. Immediatly brought back memories from your dream.
But what was it about...
Since your cats seemed to have found their food on their own you decided to get up.
And damn, it was hard. Your whole body refused. It felt heavy and weak. Just so tired...
You yawned as you slowly opened your door and tried to adjust your eyes to the light.
Then you saw a certain someone.
"Oh, good morning", he greeted you happily.
You remembered everything about your dream.
"I hope you slept well?", he asked smiling and blinked with his shape shifting eyes.
And realized...
"Are you ok?" Ink looked a little worried since you didn't answer.
"It was no dream...", you mumbled quietly.
"Huh??" The skeleton seemed confused.
You quickly shook your head and looked at him.
"Nevermind, I'm just tired...", you finally said.
"Oh, ok"
Awkward silence.
"Welllllllll, I guess I will just go downstairs and help Blue with breakfast" Ink waved and went down the stairs.
For a moment you were confused by what he meant. Then you remembered the existence of the other skeletons.
You sighed and went back to your room.
Just gotta change I guess...
There weren't many options for clothing actually. Mostly hoodies and such things.
You grabbed some random outfit and quickly changed.
Too lazy to make your hair.
Who even cares? The skeletons hopefully don't
After thinking about it for a moment you decided to brush your hair afterall.
Just in case...
Actually, why are they still here? You expected them to be gone real quickly. Or rather, hoped they'd be gone.
Welp, at least they didn't kill you in your sleep.
Soooooo lucky...
After finishing your morning routine and sorting your stupid thoughts you finally went downstairs as well.
Cross (was that his name??) was busy playing and comforting your cats.
Guess they found others to bother
Killer sat on the couch, watching the three fluffballs. He seemed less tense than yesterday. Then he looked at you. And got tense again.
"Good morning", the sudden greeting of Geno almost made you jump.
"Hi-", you almost screeched.
Fuck, why is your voice all high pitched when you're nervous?? So annoying.
"Erm... Are you ok..?", Geno asked, his voice a little worried.
"Yes yes, just tired and-", you stopped talking and looked at Killer, WHO JUST DIDN'T STOP STARING.
Damn, he sure is a creep.
"Whatever, how was your night?", you tried to change the subject.
"Quite fine, though these two decided to wake us up", Cross joined the conversation and quickly stroke both cats behind their ears.
"Ohhhh... yeaaaa... They can be annoying", you said quietly.
"I fed them, I hope it's no problem?", Cross asked a little uncertain.
You shook your head.
"Nah, actually thanks to that I was able to sleep longer. I guess you guys are already quite comfortable in my house", you joked a little.
"Oh yea, about that...", Geno suddenly seemed a little nervous.
"Blue is trying to make breakfast...", Cross explained.
"Hope you have enough money for a new kitchen", Killer suddenly said and got up. He then continued to go back upstairs, assumingly to his room.
"I- he is not wrong...", Cross muttered.
"Wait what-"
"Blue is terrible at cooking. You might want to check on him. And the well-being of your kitchen...", Geno explained.
That's enough information for you. If he DARES to break anything then you will break HIM. Ok, maybe not, but still.
"Well, I suppose you are right", you said quickly and went to the kitchen, which was... Well...
Not destroyed. Y e t . . .
As soon as you saw the more or less small mess the little skeleton had created you lost some of the sympathy you had for your visitors.
Nothing was broken as far as you could tell but both dishes and several cooking ingredients were scattered over the whole place. However, there was also enough detail to the chaos, as the stove was covered in some weird-looking dough.
Great, more things I have to take care of
"Erm...", you tried to say something but just didn't know how.
Should you greet him? Tell him to fucking clean the mess he caused?? Or just kick him out of here??? Together with the other monsters????
"OH, good morning friendly human!"
While you were trying not to freak out Blue had already noticed you.
"I'm sincerely sorry for not asking before using your kitchen but you were still asleep...", he apologized with a slightly nervous look in his eyes. Almost like he was afraid you'd be mad at him.
Damnit, why is he cute...
It reminded you of whenever your cats do stupid things and break something. Of course you get angry, but it never lasts long. They are just too precious to be mad at. Just like Blue.
"Don't worry about it"
You let out a sigh.
"What were you trying to cook anyway?", you asked then.
"I made some tacos", the skeleton replied happily. He seemed pleased that you asked about it.
"Tacos..? For... breakfast??"
Sounded weird. But well, you wouldn't judge him. Afterall you mostly eat leftovers or some instant noodles (if you eat anything at all in the morning).
"Yes! I have a very special recipe, made by myself!", Blue explained proudly.
"However, I was missing some ingredients so I had to find proper replacements", he added after a moment.
"Ok..?", you weren't certain what that meant but it worried you for sure.
"Well, I will get the others now!", he said and ran off.
You took a last look around your kitchen. At least you could tell that you are not the messiest person around here.
I'll tell him to tidy it up later... Let's see what kinda 'tacos' he made...
You decided to at least clean the table before eating. There's gotta be some order before having a decent meal, right?
The skeletons came inside just when you finished your work. Blue let out a gasp before starting to speak.
"Thank you so much for fixing the table, you didn't have to do that", he thanked you.
Yea, you didn't have to mess it up in the first place either...
As much as you wanted to say that to him, you just couldn't. That little ball of happiness was too pure to get actually mad at. Or well, you were mad, but you didn't want him to know.
"Eh, whatever, just please clean up my kitchen after breakfast, ok?", you requested politely.
"Yes, of course, now then! All of you, sit down, I shall serve my special! Homemade!! Tacos!!!", Blue announced and got ready to give everyone a plate with food on it.
You sat down, like he said, and looked at the others.
They didn't look like they were in a bad mood, however, they seemed somewhat nervous. That nervousness only improved when Blue handed everyone a plate with the... uh... food? It didn't look like food... More like something a toddler would make with a bunch of rainbow-colored knead. It seemed worrying to say the least.
"Well then, I hope you will enjoy my special recipe", Blue sat down as well, looking expectingly at the group in front of him.
Cross looked like he was about to scream.
Geno tried to fake a smile before thanking Blue.
Ink looked oblivious and stared into the void.
Killer didn't stop staring at you.
Seriously, what is his problem?!??
You tried to ignore his intense staring and concentrated on the food again.
You definitely didn't want to eat it. Heck, you didn't even want to look at it.
However, Blue's visible excitement made your heart crack.
I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him...
In the end you tried the rainbow taco.
And immediately regretted it.
It tasted how it looked like: a messy rainbow with too many different flavors, it was an explosion of all of your senses (they have probably died during it). That might sound actually good, but it was more than just bad. Terrible. Disgusting. Like something you'd try to poison your enemies with. And it was  absolutely nothing like tacos!
After you finished chewing that first sticky bite of definitely-not-taco you awkwardly looked to the others, who seemed to struggle as well.
The only one that didn't even eat at all was Killer. It rather looked like he was just here to spy on you and your reaction to the 'tacos'.
You gave your best to swallow a few more forks of the... you didn't even want to call it 'food' anymore. Well, after some more of that stuff you decided to just act like you were full already.
"Sorry, but I'm not usually the type to eat breakfast. I'm not really hungry at all", you lied to the little skeleton.
"Oh", Blue replied simply. You weren't sure whether it was surprise or disappointment, but some emotions were audible in his reaction.
"Well, you don't have to apologize, I guess we  are the reason you are up anyway", Geno mildly smiled at you, it was a smile of understanding. He knew the terror you just went through. The terror of the rainbow taco.
"Eh, yea, whatever...", you mumbled while shoving away the plate with the rest of the taco.
"How did you like my masterpiece though?", Blue asked with excitement in his voice.
A small glimpse in his direction made you feel weak again.
"It was... uh... different. I mean, I have never tasted anything like that before", you answered truthfully
It's not like I wanna taste anything like it ever again...
As soon as you finished, Blue's expression started sparking with joy.
"I'm so glad you liked it! I bet if I didn't have to use glue and cardboard it would have been much better though...", he said happily.
He used WHAT
You must have heard him wrong.
Probably. Hopefully-
It would explain a few things though-
"How about I show you how to make tacos in my way?", Cross asked the skeleton. You assumed he asked to make sure the small skeleton wouldn't make such an abomination again.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that'd be great! Though it won't ever be better than my recipe, MWEH HE HE", he claimed while striking a pose.
"Do you guys only eat tacos or what?", you asked, a little bit afraid of the answer.
"Of course not, but those two just love them", Geno answered for them while giggling a little.
"How about you show us a recipe for a meal that you like to eat, human?", Blue suddenly asked. He seemed overly excited over his idea and awaited an answer.
"Me? Cooking? I mean, I guess I could... I prefer drawing though", you said a little uneasy. It reminded you of the commissions you still had to get done.
Can I even leave these guys alone??
"Hey... Sorry to interupt y'all...", Ink suddenly joined the conversation. His plate was empty already. You guessed he either ate it with no care in the world or he got rid of it in some other way.
"Just wanted to make sure... What is your name again?", he asked, his voice sounded a little nervous, as if he didn't dare to ask.
"Oh... I didn't tell you yet, did I?", you thought about it for a moment but couldn't remember introducing yourself.
"Actually, you didn't. We just called you 'human' so far", Cross states, smiling a little as if that thought was somehow funny to him.
"Oh uh... Sorry. Just call me Leyla I guess", you shrugged the whole topic off.
Names aren't that important anyways...
"Well, nice to officially meet you then! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together", Blue proclaimed happily.
"About that, didn't you guys want to leave?", you completely ignored the small skeleton.
"Well, we tried but-"
"I can't open any portals. Though despite that most of my magic still works", Ink interrupts Cross rudely.
"Same here", Geno nodded and looked at the others.
"Well, my magic works as well. Though I guess without Ink we can't leave...", Cross said eventually.
"Great, so what now?", you asked the whole gang.
"If my magic comes back none of this is a problem... In the meantime we should look for another solution...", Ink suggested immediatly.
"Yea, it'd be helpful if we could stay here until then", Cross adds, looking at you in a way that reminded you of your cats. You knew he wanted you to say that they can stay, but his eyes didn't demand it. They looked more like they were sweetly asking for it.
In the end you sighed before answering.
"Sure. You can stay a little longer. I don't care"
"YAAAAAYYYYYYY", Blue suddenly yelled, making you jump.
"We are going to have so much fun together!", his voice was even more excited and happier than before.
"Sure, but, I still got some stuff to do. In the meantime, you should still clean up the kitchen, you know..?", you kinda tried to remind the skeleton of that. It was hard but... necessary.
"Of course!", he immediatly got up and tried to make everyone leave the place he had shown true horror and chaos to.
"Well, I'll be back in my room if you need anything", you excused yourself quickly and went upstairs.
The others acknowledged it with nodding, Cross simply said "K" before minding his own business.
As you opened the door to your room you finally got to have a little break for your brain.
What am I even doing here?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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