Chapter 1 - Midnight Visitors

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You tried to rub the sleep out of your tired eyes.
Still gotta finish these...
The longer you stared at the screen and the thing some people might call 'art' the more you felt like puking.
You hate your work. Nothing too special since you are an 'artist'. Is this even considered art? No one with more than two brain cells would say it is.
You let out a sigh of suffering and decided to get some leftovers from lunch.
Or rather breakfast. After almost ten hours of hunger you had the motivation to eat.
You went down the stairs and ignored the urge to sleep like you did for most of the day.
As you arrived at the kitchen you quickly took a plate and filled it with the bit of noodles that was left. You didn't even bother to warm it up. It will taste good enough even when it's cold.
Moments before you wanted to go back to your room you suddenly heard a noise. It sounded like... something falling over. Something rather big.
Damnit, stupid cats...
At least you figured one of them broke something again. You really like your fluffballs- but they can be annoying like hell.
Instead of searching for the now (probably) destroyed object, you decided to head back to your room.
At least until you heard another noise.
And another one.
What are these felines doing?!??
After five times in total you went to the living room where the noises came from.
You put on the lights, prepared to see a mess. But there weren't any cats or an actual 'mess'. There were bodies.
A pile of people in your living room.
Five random people piled up on top of each other. Seemingly unconcious. Maybe dead, who knows.
You had no idea what was going on.
Am I hallucinating?
Is this due to my lack of sleep??
Such thoughts came through your head. Slight panic too. Like... How did they even get in your house?
That panic only increased when one of them started moving. It was the one at the top of them. He slowly got up to his feet and looked around.
Then he looked into your eyes.
And you looked back into his.
Only to notice...
That he...
Had none...
Because his 'head' was actually a skull and his 'eyes' were actually pitch black eye sockets.
Even though you felt like panicking you obviously had no time for that. Not because that wouldn't be useful at all, no, mostly because that... thing somehow managed to grab and push you against a wall in less than a heartbeat. Seriously, you had no idea how. It was as if it teleported or something like that, which would be stupid since such things aren't possible. On the other hand there is that... skeleton? Yea, it's pretty much a skeleton that's currently about to kill you. At least you assumed it would do that since there is that knife-
Ok, you are done for.
At least you thought you'd be. Damn, there are so many shitty plot twists in your life...
That thing was about to fucking slice your throat but moments before he was stopped.
"Killer, let the human go!", a loud and... quite annoying sounding person yelled. The erm... 'Killer' was pushed back a little by a smaller skeleton.
The little one wore mostly grey clothes and some blue bandana and gloves. He was approximately half a head smaller than you and with that a lot smaller than the guy with the knife.
"Why are you stopping me..." The voice of the knife guy immediatly sent shivers down your spine. Some voice actors should take him as example. THAT'S how a serial killer sounds. Which he probably is. You remembered your situation.
"Because it is not very polite to hurt someone when you just stumbled in their house!", the small one argued. He is not wrong-
"Oh, I didn't intend to just hurt them" Knife guy started grinning a little and you noticed how some black fluid started coming from his eyes.
This is officially too creepy for you.
The two somehow alive skeletons kept arguing. Though the bigger one didn't seem to actually care.
You looked at the other people- no, also skeletons...
What the hell...
One of them just starred... somewhere. Seemed kinda braindead. Or rather day dreaming? He wore quite... weird clothes? Though the strangest thing was that giant paint brush on his back. Just... What the hellllllllll?
Another skeleton tried to break up the fight between small guy and knife guy.
"Killer, Blue, stop fighting. We have better things to do". He looked like some kinda fusion between a ninja and an oreo cookie. Though he sounded more serious than his outfit was.
"Like what?", the small one asked with confused blue eyes..
"How about that human?", the last skeleton that was dressed only in white with a red scarf around his neck interrupted the conversation and made the others look at you.
Knife guy looked murderous, small guy looked curious, the oreo cautious, and the paint brush startled. He probably didn't notice you until now.
The one with the red scarf cleared his throat and came a little closer.
"Are you going to cause us trouble?", he asked with a serious voice. His left eye turned from white to a slight purple, which made you feel a little uneasy.
At first you didn't know what to say. Heck, even if you would know, your panic was just too strong.
"I think we broke the human", paint brush said since you didn't answer.
The blue one gasped audible and immediatly went up to you.
"I am so sorry that we broke you, human! This must be Killer's fault for scaring you like that. But fear not, for I, the magnificent Blue will make sure he doesn't do it again!" You were even more startled after that almost screamed introduction. Knife guy, though you assumed his name is actually Killer, probably rolled his eyes. You couldn't really tell since he had no... eye dots?
Looking back at... Blue?? That's his name?? Maybe Killer isn't that weird of a name afterall.
Nevermind, it is.
Anyways, Blue seemed like he expected some answer.
You could immediatly tell that he was like an annoying kid but that's still better than a murderous psycho (like Killer).
"Ehhh... D-don't worry about that, it's fine", you lied quickly.
"But uh..." You looked at the weird group.
"What are you doing in my house-"
"OHHHHHHHHHHH" The sudden voice of paint brush startled everyone.
"I REMEMBER", he kept yelling.
"Ink, what the fuck", the oreo complained, obviously a little surprised.
"I just remembered how we got here", 'Ink' sharply inhaled before continuing.
"Didn't we want to start recording that one episode-"
Ink was interrupted by several people face palming and sighing.
"Buddy, we finished recording that one", the guy with the red scarf said. He looked like he was done with the paint brush.
"The last thing I remember was that portal appearing all of a sudden", the oreo said.
"Yes, me too! Though I think we are the only ones that went through it", Blue pointed out.
"Ink, do you know where we are?", he asked then. Ink already spaced out again so he jumped a little.
"Where are we?", Oreo interrupted his question.
"Oh..." Ink looked around.
"I suppose..."
He thought for a moment.
"In a house"
"No shit sherlock", the oreo seemed quite annoyed by that as well.
"Do you know what AU we are in..?", the guy with the scarf asked a little impatient.
"No, not really. I don't recognize it actually", Ink answered bluntly.
The oreo guy looked like he was about to snap. But before a fight between some weird anime skeletons could start, you had a great idea.
"What the heck is going on here..?", you asked with a very tired and confused voice.
"I just wanted to eat something and then work until I pass out. You destroyed all of my plans with appearing in my house like that"
The skeletons looked at you. Surprised, kinda shocked, like they forgot about your existence.
"I am so sorry for startling you like that human", the little cutie- skeleton apologized honestly.
"Maybe, it'd be a good start to introduce all of us-"
"Let's just leave", you almost forgot about knife guy aka Killer but as soon as his harsh voice interrupted Blue you were reminded of him trying to kill you.
"I agree, we shouldn't bother with something like that", scarf guy nodded in agreement and looked at Ink.
"Can you open a portal?", he asked then.
"Sure thing Geno~", Ink answered happily and took the brush from his back.
He then continued to wipe it over the floor.
Though it didn't seem to do anything at all. Obviously no color since the brush was all clean and definitely no 'portal'.
Ink looked dumbfounded at the ground.
"What the..."
"Are you messing around?", the oreo asked slightly annoyed.
"What? No!", Ink stated. He seemed a little nervous and wiped the brush over the floor again. And again. And again.
But nothing happened.
"It's not working", Ink said somewhat frustrated.
Oreo sighed and pulled out his phone.
"I'll text Night to get us...", as he typed a bit, his expression changed from concentrated to worried.
"I can't text him", he mumbled then.
"Why not?", Blue asked confused.
"I don't know... It says that I can't connect to the network of the Multiverse..."
After oreo said that sentence a discussion between the skeletons started.
You just stood there in the middle of them, not knowing what the hell you should do.
What are they even talking about? Multiverse?? AUs???
You heard of the Multiverse theory, but it is, like the name says, just a theory. No way it's actually true, right? You're probably just having a weird dream. That would explain the skeletons.
At some point the argueing of said skeletons started to bother you. If they don't leave they could atleast let you sleep.
"But what are we going to do now?" The rather quiet question of Blue stopped the whole discussion and some awkward silence began.
You used that opportunity to get attention.
"Ok, could all of you please listen?" Your question might would have sounded a little nicer under normal circumstances, but right now you were just pissed.
"First things first, who, and more importantly, WHAT ARE YOU? Secondly, why did you break into my house and last but not least...
L e a v e"
You really aren't nice when you are hungry and dead tired.
The skeletons seemed a little surprised by your sudden questions and well, demands.
"Erm...", the first one to speak was oreo. His choice of words truly helped you to calm down.
J u s t    k i d d i n g . . .
"My name is Geno, that small blueberry there is Blue, the guy with the paint brush is Ink, the monochrome one Cross and the psycho is called Killer", Geno quickly introduced the group.
"To your second question, we are monsters. Skeleton monsters to be more specific. Magical creatures that seemingly don't exist in your world since you are so confused about it", he kept explaining.
Damn, atleast one of them might be useful.
"And about the leaving...", Geno stopped talking and looked over to Ink who put up his hands in defence.
"It seems like we can't leave this world", he said slightly nervous.
"Well, you can still leave my house, can't you?", you just craved noodles and sleep.
"But... Where would we go then?", the sad voice of Blue immediatly made your heart crack.
I am weak-
"We don't know this place. We can't stay anywhere", Cross mumbled and even that sounded kinda cute.
I am so weak...
"Ok, you know what? Screw it, you can stay", you gave in. It's not like they actually asked to stay but you just couldn't kick them out like that.
"Really?", Geno asked carefully.
He surely doesn't trust people that easily
"Yea, I mean... I don't know, let's talk about it tomorrow", you ignored the urge to yawn and headed to the stairs.
"There are enough free rooms so you can stay there at least for tonight", you said as you went to show them the rooms.
"Choose whichever one you want. Just stay out of mine", as you opened the door to your room to finally go to sleep some of your nervousness returned.
I hope I won't regret it... Well, screw it...

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