the wishes.

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Thomas looked over and standing at the door was Taylor toast but she didn't look all glam and sparkly like she did in the music videos. She has a green face mask on with a dressing gown and a towel on her head "who are you?" she moaned "I'm Thomas, i'm your biggest fan" Thomas said excitedly "sorry i'm not seeing fans right now"said Taylor as she shut the door "sorry bud but that's your wish" Simon exclaimed as he clicked his fingers and Thomas and Simon appeared back in the fridge.

"So whos next?" asked Simon to the other breakfast bunch "I would like to participate in the wishes and have my wish" Billy said "ok Billy what is your wish?"Simon asked Billy. "I would like to have vintages acid and systematically kool aid" Billy said "ummm I didn't understand a word you said so I'm going to give you my dogs saliva" Simon said as he handed over a jar of dark blue icky goo " hmmm let me test this weird chemical out" billy said while rubbing some of the blue slobber onto the shelf then the shelf started to burn it was melting the glass and the ooze was Disintegrating the glass shelf. The hole was getting bigger and bigger until it reached there feet.

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