Part 2

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Crescent city

Crescent city

Bryce woke up to Syrinx impatiently bumping his head against her leg eventually, she gave up and tumbled out of bed following the smell of breakfast and Hunt. She went to feed Syrinx well she waltzed over and murmured in his ear,

"Hunt we have to finish cleaning out Jesiba's old library."

"We" He snorted "you have to but because I'm the best I'll tag along" he finished which got an eye roll from Bryce.

They left the building choosing to walk instead of flying as Syrinx needed a walk. Bryce opened the locks And walked through, the first time she came back after Micah and Lele's deaths she almost vomited right on the spot from the memories overwhelming her but now she can keep it under control. The pair continued to walk through the gallery to the basement. Cleaning and organising was a tedious task as there was a lot of junk and a lot of new space as Jesiba hid the books in an unknown location ever since that day. Hunt was organising a part of the bookshelf when he reached the end where he saw a book, The Walking Dead.

"Hey Bryce is there supposed to be a book here I thought Jesiba took them all" he waited for a reply instead Bryce came walking over with a confused expression on her face

"Yeah she did that's strange we should tell her it's here" Bryce took the book and flicked through the pages "strange look Hunt there's only one page that's filled see" she pointed at it "can you understand it because it looks like like weird markings to me and that's it," she said grabbed the book but when she did a swirling mass and black swallowed them up.

She felt Hunt grab her and try to fly out but it was like it was pushing them in they fell further and further, when Bryce tried to focus she could see a group of people falling as well but what scared her most was the screaming coming from one of them she was in front and curled up in a ball Bryce noticed how a white-haired male was trying to get to her then suddenly it was black again and she smelt spring but like it was on some kind of drug as she and Hunt looked around there surroundings they noticed a gigantic house she thought it could've been bigger than the Autumn Kings house she looked ahead and saw the group of people they were falling with.

Hunt noticed where Bryce was looking it was the group that he was falling with, he took count there were nine of them but he noticed how most of them were fae and the other four were human. Bryce decided to go up to them without consulting Hunt which of course frustrated him but he really had no choice but to follow.

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