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"You're leaving?" I must have startled Levi because he turns around startled by my voice behind him. I'd trailed behind him as he tried to slip out of the bar. He hasn't been himself all night, especially since there's a party involved and everyone knows Levi is the life of the party.

"Umm yeah, family intervention for cousin Amber." His voice shakes. I thought that was last week anyway.

"At 7:30pm?" I ask with narrowed eyes and I watch him visibly gulp.

"Uh yeah, no time like the present." He turns away to face his bike. Clearly something must be going on for him to feel the need to lie to me. I'm torn between waiting for him to let me know what's going on with him or attacking and demanding answers real quick. I settle for the former.

"Well then ride safe brother." I immediately make my way back into the bar presently crowded to the brim. There was no passing through without bumping one or two people but I manage to weave my way past the dancing bodies and partly drunk fellas.

"Cheers brother." To my side is O'Reilly the sergeant-at-arms for D.S. Brooklyn, a cup of what I assume is beer in his hand. I bump my bottle of Corona with his drink with a small salute. I'm about to continue to my seat at the bar away from the sea of bodies when a question that has been nagging me resurfaces to mind.

"You never told us how the feds caught onto you guys' trade brother." I ask quietly, more like a whisper away from prying ears. It's better to know where the enemy might strike from in my opinion but D.S. Brooklyn have been a little secretive about the whole situation. If the feds are onto you, hiding out is not going to solve anything, showing them that you have nothing to hide is much more wise. Play stupid, point them in all the wrong directions in their investigations and above all point no fingers, these were rules to live by in situations like this.

"Long story brother, the thing is the feds, you never know they're onto you till they're onto you. And you know out here it's every man for himself." He bumps his cup against my can again before gyrating towards the ladies giggling in the corner. That has to be one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had, drunk man talks I guess.

I shrug it off and continue to my destination, already spotting JJ at his usual seat at the bar.

"For a newly patched member, you're incredibly quiet you know?" I ask immediately I occupy the empty seat next to JJ. "Thanks" I salute to Lou who throws me another bottle of my drink of the night.

"I assure you that half of them are this loud and obnoxious because they're drunk." He replies with a chuckle. And truly when I look around, O'Reilly is already dancing at the center of the ladies, Ryker is telling some poor fellas a story of a pig and a shark. The sad thing is the poor fellas actually seem invested in the story. I guess JJ is right because I never thought I'd see HOD trying to do whatever monstrosity that dance move is supposed to be.

I turn back to JJ who's already staring at me, a small smile dancing on his luscious lips and a longing stare in his eyes. The green intensity in his orbs striking me again and mildly entrancing too. I quickly tear my eyes away and return it back to my drink.

"Let me guess you on the other hand are drinking that liquid cruelty again?" I ask with a smirk.

"The one you used to make me wet?"

Good fuck, he's not going to let that go is he? "Are ever gonna get past that gorgeous?" I brush my knees against his soft and slow coaxing him into doing something about it.

"Maybe, maybe not you're gonna have to come and find out bruiser." Those intense greens catch mine again, but a glint of something else shines through them. It's caressing yet mischievous, intense yet intriguing and most of all alluring and seducing.

"So tell me why don't you drink?" I break the spell.

"I already smoke, that's one vice enough." I want to glare at him, I really do but I end up bursting into a fit of laughter. That has to be the largest shade ever thrown my way.

"So if you stopped smoking today, would you pick up a beer bottle?"

"A- beer is very disgusting" He shudders while glancing at the liquid resing comfortably in my grasp at the moment. "B- I already tried the alcohol thing and it isn't for me."

"Damn I see you coming for me tonight." A chuckle escapes me at the unapologetic JJ. He really could be cute and adorable sometimes, probably the only person that could pull both off at the same time. Quite annoying too, I roll my inner eyes at the thought of how annoying he could be.

He shrugs in reply and it's pretty quiet between us for a while. Just the high energy, music, and partying around us entertaining my ears. And although I'm not really one for parties, a night out sometimes was needed to clear ones head and just live life in the present.

"Uhm so I was thinking that uh maybe I don't know if..." A little unexpected seeing JJ ramble and is he blushing right now? He absolutely is. I raise an eyebrow to urge him to finish what he's trying to say. "You wanna get out of here?" He finishes.

"Yeah" It's comes out as a breathless response. JJ leads the way and I don't miss the way Lou wiggles his eyebrows at me. I guess the unimpressed expression on my face gets him to behave real quick and stop the eye thing he's doing.

We head out into the slightly chilly night and we both head for our motorcycles. I'm not really worried about the guys, I know Bobby Nitro would get them back to the warehouse safely, frankly the hangover is the main worry.

Helmet and shades on, JJ rides in front and I follow right behind him. The straight road leading to his house and we arrive in no time.

We're barely inside the house when JJ tackles me against the door and hurriedly begins to drop kisses around my neck and collarbone.

"Woah hold up JJ." I back him off me slightly, gazing into his eyes. It's a little dark in the house but still light enough to see my target. His green orbs are pooled with lust, the type that has someone wanting and panting, my favorite type. The type that gets me hard without even a try as my prey falls subject to my bidding, willingly of course. "Tell me what you want." I coax him gently, my voice washing over his ears like a soft background music.

"Isn't it obvious? It's what you've wanted these past weeks." He states breathlessly, his hands cupping my neck as he holds onto me like his anchor. I rock my thigh brushing and fleeting against his cock and a gasp of bliss escapes his mouth.

"But what do you want?" I whisper against JJ's ear, letting him know it's okay to open up about his wants and needs. "I promise to give it to you." I press on, my thighs not stopping their ministrations.

"I want you Hunter." My patience snapped no actually my patience shattered into broken uncountable pieces.

Devil's Sons M.C. (Manxman)Where stories live. Discover now