Epilogue 1.

1.6K 71 4

6 years Later.


Jesse switched off the truck, the mellow sound of the automobile dying down giving way to the quiet.

Today was the day of Hunter's release.

The rollercoaster of the past years had been quite unforgettable but one thing that was constant was his monthly visits to the penitentiary. Hunter would grumble but he knew the man secretly loved their monthly rendezvous and looked forward to it.

A lot had changed too.

The ever-growing Laney was now in the fourth grade. JJ was so proud of his son although he wished the little man would stay a little man for just a little bit longer. He knew that was impossible however.

Melissa was finishing up her nursing degree at one of the state universities. She'd gotten a full ride scholarship to study.

JJ remembered the day she turned in her college essay, immediately she wrote a letter too. It was addressed to John Jetter aka Mr mayor, Mel had thanked him for his help with a promise to reimburse every dime he'd spent on her. She'd refused to feel like a charity case to her own father and therefore wanted to make sure she owed him nothing. JJ had followed her to the post-office where they'd mailed the letter to the mayor's office, and that was that. He was so proud of his baby sister.

Mamba had become president of the Devil's Sons too, after the untimely death of Luke few years back.

They'd helped Guerrero take over the Mexican cartel, Vardan was dead, and Capitan was the vice president. Although that small circle of JJ, Michelle, and Lena had stayed friends. If he needed a group of hitmen or hitwomen in this case, he knew he had them in his corner ready to fight.

The icing on the cake would be JJ's purchase of Dove's bar two years ago.

The owners had gone bankrupt and were putting the place up for sale. JJ remembered calling mamba immediately when he saw the advertisement, they'd contacted Harrison and made a bid for the place. The owners had run the place so dry that for just $30,000 JJ was able to purchase the place in Hunter's name with the money from the safety deposit box.

Subsequently, day and night the whole gang of JJ, Laney, mamba, Lena, Michelle, Capitan, and Cross- who'd become quite close with JJ, put their skills together and renovated the place. With the help of a contractor, they'd added a second floor which included an office, a storage closet, and a bigger changing room for the dancers.

They also expanded the place a little more, changed the décor and refurbished the place to a nightclub to be reckoned with.

JJ knew that the name Dove's had no significance for them at all so he'd changed the name of the place to 'Biker's Lodge.'

He retained the services of Lou as a bartender. A new group of exotic dancers and he put enough security in place to ward off any perverts, the men and women's safety came first to JJ.

Not having a head for numbers, Michelle had been the one to teach JJ how to balance the books. Dickory had taught him how to crunch the numbers. JJ was grateful for everyone's help in helping make his man's dream come true.

It was all a surprise for Hunter though and he couldn't wait to see his reaction to everything.

JJ smelt himself for the umpteenth time, his nervousness breaking through to him. It was the first time in six years that they wouldn't be across a table nor bordered by an unbreakable glass.

The wait was killing him, he felt like a princess whose dreams would come true from a kiss or something.

Hunter signed the last of the heap of papers that had been handed to him before passing it back to officer Bricks.

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