2 - Mansae

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Ahhh...I hate calculus so much. No matter how hard I listen, I really can't understand a thing. Why does the clock tick so slowly when it's calculus period? I can't wait for lunch.

Since I have nothing better to do, I choose to get the paper plane out of my bag and stare at Joshua's handwriting.

'How can you dazzle so much?'

It feels so surreal. How can he like me? He's freakishly handsome, and I'm the most average-looking girl in this university, possibly. I get that he may have known me since I am an active student here being the student council president but still. It really feels like a dream, you know.

But it's not. I always remind myself that. But if it is indeed a dream, I don't mind not waking up.

I thought I was invisible to him. Even Jihoon thought I was making things up when I told him yesterday that Hong Joshua likes me.

"Hong Joshua from Class B? The Joshua you stared at during the campaign period?"

I nod and stop myself from smiling. "Ahhh.. strange. He doesn't seem like the type to look at girls like you." Jihoon says nonchalantly.

I stop walking and place my hands on my hips. "Ah! Jihoonie! What do you mean girls like me?! Am I really that unlikeable?" I fake cry and look at him.

"No. You know I don't mean that, Rie. I don't doubt you. I doubt Joshua. Didn't he compete for a school pageant when we were sophomores?"

I bow my head and think about it. Jihoon's right. I may not be on par with Joshua if it's based on popularity and looks. "Hey. Chin up. It's not about you. I'm just skeptic of him. Anyways, who am I to judge him? I'm glad he likes you, somehow. You're not invisible anymore." Jihoon smiles at me and continues walking.

I catch up to him, "Does that mean you like him for me? Ahh, Jihoonie, thank you!"

"If you're happy, why would I stop you?"

"Hey, stop staring at that paper. It's lunchtime." I snap out of my senses and find Jihoon standing next to me. "Eh? Lunchtime?"

Jihoon rolls his eyes at me, "Rie, you've been daydreaming too long. The teacher left already. Take your lunchbox out so we can go to the benches early." He walks away after putting his lunchbox on my desk since I am the one who holds it for him. Fuuu~. What an annoying human being.

I put the paper plane in my pocket and stand up from my chair, holding two lunchboxes in my hands. Just before I reach the hallways, I hear Jihoon talking to someone familiar.

"Maybe we can, I'd go ask he-. Hey, Rie. There you are. I was just about to fetch you there." Jihoon utters.

I look at Joshua, Seungcheol, and Jeonghan smiling at me. Uhmm...

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