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Stefan and Rebekah took a long time to meet them, stopping for a snack before their main course but Klaus didn't care, greedily feeding on the girl they'd brought him when they finally arrived

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Stefan and Rebekah took a long time to meet them, stopping for a snack before their main course but Klaus didn't care, greedily feeding on the girl they'd brought him when they finally arrived. Charlotte was half asleep by this point, her headache had returned because of all the champagne she'd drunk and so she'd shut her eyes knowing it would help. While they'd waited on the couch, Klaus fiddled with his phone while Charlotte drifted off into a light sleep, light enough that she could hear Stefan and Rebekah as they returned.

"My girl's dead I'm bored," Rebekah said.

They'd been back for a little while now but there'd been silence between the group as they eagerly fed on the three compelled girl's. It was an uncomfortable sound listening to three people die and so Charlotte was doing her best to tune it all out as she dozed.

"You weren't kidding about being hungry," Klaus was speaking now, to Stefan or Rebekah she wasn't sure.

It was Stefan, Charlotte realised as she heard him reply, "It's been a long day."

"Try being related to her," Klaus said and Charlotte opened her eyes to look at him disapprovingly, he caught her watching and she rolled her eyes at his cheeky grin.

"You're being mean," Rebekah said to Klaus then turning to Stefan, "Why are you being mean? You used to love me."

"It's been 90 years, Rebekah, give him a minute," Klaus sounded exasperated, pushing his girl he'd been feeding from away as he spoke. Charlotte flinched at the thud of the body hitting the ground and Klaus' hand rose to land on her leg, thumb rubbing gently in a half apology.

Rebekah looked affronted at Klaus defending Stefan, "Why are you taking his side?"

"Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want."

Rebekah looked particularly hurt as he spoke while Charlotte felt uncomfortable with the argument, looking to Stefan who seemed to be enjoying it. While thus far she wasn't exactly a fan of Rebekah, she didn't like it when Klaus was cruel and she didn't like Stefan acting that way either. She suspected there was a reason behind it, Stefan was rarely cruel but it still made her frown at the way he teamed up with Klaus against someone.

"Will you stop making me out to be a brat. I am not a brat."

"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise," Klaus retorted and Stefan laughed.

"Nik you're far from an angel," Charlotte cut in, smiling cheekily when Klaus gave her a glare.

"Oh yeah, you're certainly no picnic," Stefan agreed with Charlotte, "We've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I wanna blow my head off." Charlotte and Rebekah both laughed and Rebekah clapped her hands with glee Klaus' take down. Klaus looked between the two smirking Salvatore siblings and his eyes narrowed when Charlotte stuck her tongue out at him.

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