chapter 2

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"What happened in your past Seoyeon if you don't mind if i ask" i looked at yoongi and smiled at his question.

"It's a long story." I said and sighed

"But if you guys what to hear it then i will tell." They all nodded and we all sat down at the benches at the park.

I started tell them....

Flash back: along time ago

"Appa!!! Stop please im only 14, you can't do this to me!" I yelled at him as he was handed a envelope full of money

"Shut up you little slut!..... take her and have fun." He laughed while counting the money

"Come on sweetheart you're coming home with me." The man grabbed my arm
And threw me into his van i was crying and screaming.
"Appa!!~ Appa!!~" i was hitting the window as i saw my mother run out yelling and crying. My father just slapped her and walked inside she

kneeled on the ground looking my way crying as i did the same. Before i knew it i couldn't see her anymore. I gave up on crying i new it wouldn't work so i sat there in silence..

It had been 4 months i was with that horrible... I had been sick for a new days and I had missed my period, I was worrying I knew I had to get a test.

"M-master?" He looked at me and smiled, he was nice and very gentle and kind he didn't hurt me ever he cared for me. But he could get very angry abs very mean.

"Yes my dear?" He patted my head

"Can i go to the store i really want an ice-cream" he smiled

"Sure honey but i will drive you."

He drove me to the shops and i walked in and bought and ice-cream and i slipped a test into my jeans. I walked to the counter

"Hi that will a $2.50 honey" the nice looking girl said i smiled and gave her $5 in coins, she looked confused.

"Honey its only..." i cut her off by showings her the test. She was horrified

"Don't say anything about this please." She nodded. She slipped me a piece of paper with her number on it to me.

"If you need anything at all just call ok... I'm Destiny." I nodded

"Im Seoyeon and thank you but i really have to go thanks again." I said and walked out she smiled. I got into the car

"What took so long sweetie?" I had to think of a lie and quick.

"Oh um that chick in there was trying to sell me lollipops for 20c and she said they were for her sick dog and she wouldn't let me leave so i gave her my change to shut her up." i hope he bought it

"Oh ok lest go home... would you like to make dinner tonight or do you want me to?" He's so nice... i smiled

"Can you please i don't feel very well I'm sorry" he smiled

"It's ok sweetheart you can rest when we get home okay?" I nodded.
When we got home i said goodnight to him and went for my shower, but i took the test as well.... i was so scared, i checked it after 5 minutes and it was positive... i was pregnant.... i cried my eyes out but then i heard knocking on the door.

"Princess? Are you ok?" I didn't answer .He tried to open the door, but i was lock then the next thing i knew he broke the lock and saw me on the ground and he saw the test.... he was so shocked

"W-whats this?" He picked it up and looked at me. I started to cry

"Dont be mad please" he put the test on the bench and hugged me

"Why would i be mad your going to have my child, when you do i will let you go if you want." I looked at him

"Why are you so nice to me?" He smiled

"Because I really only wanted a child but my other girl couldn't have kids... i have a wife and she can't have kids either and because of who I am we wouldnt be able to adopt or anything so I had to do it this way....I felt so bad about how old you were I'm sorry." I was shocked I nodded in response

Time skip 9 months

I had the baby it was a little boy, they asked me what my siblings name was and i told them and they mashed up mine and my little brothers and they called him Soobin i didn't get to hold him for long but he had big brown eyes like mine and my nose and smile.. after that i was given back to my father.

"Hi Appa, hi Eomma." I said as i walked in but my father walked away in anger my mother hugged me so tightly

"Oh my baby are you ok, we heard about you being pregnant im so sorry honey we will get away from your father soon I promise." She smiled i hugged her again but then.

"Noona!!!!!" My little brother came running to me and jumped up and hugged me

"Yeonbinie!" I held him tight and kissed him all over. He started to cry

"I-i missed y-you so m-much, noona" he said between cries.. and they way he said it made me tear up

"Sh sh its ok im here know i wont leave again ok?" I lifted him little chin and looked into his eyes he nodded and he made me realise that Soobin and Yeonbin look so much alike and then and there I promised myself i will find Soobin one day......

End of flash back (for now)

I looked at the guys and they were shocked at what i just told them.

"Thats not it but thats all i am gonna say today i need to get home soon." They nodded

"I have a question." Yoongi said to me and i nodded for him to ask

"Do you have a picture of Soobin?" I nodded and got the picture out of my wallet. They all looked at the picture.

 They all looked at the picture

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(Picture of Soobin)

"Aw he looks like you Seoyeon" Hoseok said and smiled and i nodded

"How old would he be know?" Jimin asked me

"He would be two, i just turned 15 when i had him and i just turned 17, so he would be about 2 years old." I smiled at him and he nodded

"When was he born?" I smiled

"The 18th of February the day after mine." I laughed but they all went silent except Hoseok he jumped up and started to run around like an idiot again yelling

"Yayy!! He was born on my birthday yay!!" I was laughing at him and the others did too i looked at the time shit its 4pm
"I have to go but i will see you at school?" They nodded. They grabbed my phone and they all pit their numbers in i smiled

"Thank you, bye" i said and walked off while they were waving.

Hey ok so i know its weird at the moment but it will get better so please keep reading

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