Chapter 6

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"You're kidding, right?"

The look on Raymond's face was enough confirmation for the purple cat, and he watched Bob groan. "Raymond how the heck have you never been to a festival?!"

Raymond was not embarrassed about many things, and if he ever was, he'd never let it show. But the fact that Bob was making it sound like something everyone had done except him made him blush in embarrassment as he looked away. "The chance never came. They didn't have any in my home town and I dedicated my time to my work the moment I got my job here."

Bob sighed, nodding as he used his feet to spin him around in his rotating chair by the computer desk in his room, retaining the same thinking expression the entire time. Raymond silently wondered how he wasn't dizzy yet, but didn't get much time to think on that because the cat suddenly stopped dead in his spinning session, sighing.

"Ok ok, we'll make this work. It's a music festival, and I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume neither of us know how to play any instrument?" Raymond scoffed, rolling his eyes. "What gave it away." Bob rolled his eyes well, the corners of his mouth turning upwards into a smile as he shuffled through his desk for a piece of paper. Pulling it out, he grabbed a pen from seemingly nowhere and began scribbling stuff down. Raymond grabbed one of the plastic chairs in the room that looked more suitable for a kid's play house then a grown cat's room, and pulled it up to the desk, sitting down.

"Ok, so I'm making a list of stuff we're gonna need. I'd definitely write snacks but Festival's got all kinds of goodies so I'm replacing that with wallet."

"Who's wallet?"

"That's not important, anyway I'm also adding a backpack to carry all the stuff we get there, since I don't have a good enough one for a full on festival. We're also gonna need some kind of instrument, so I'm thinking either triangles or kazoos."

Raymond sighed. "Bob I don't know about either of th-"

"Kazoos it is!" Bob scribbled it down on the paper, and Raymond made a mental note to get the other to improve his hand writing. Bob wrote down a few other things before showing the list to Raymond, who had to squint to actually understand the written words. The other cat seemed satisfied though. "What do you think?"

Raymond gave a thumbs up. "Seems good, though I'm in no right to really decide since I'm new at this. We'll need all this today, correct?"

Bob nodded. "Correct."

The silver cat hopped up, going into his own room and returning with his wallet and a second list. "We need groceries too. So here's a list of what we need, and also some extra money to buy it all. You run the errands, I'll do more research on these festival things."

Bob raised his arm into a salute before taking the paper and money. "Got it, be back beforeeeeee.." Yellow eyes drifted to the clock, seeing it was 11:24. "12:30-ish." Raymond smiled fondly and nodded. "Alright, alright." Bob ran out the door, and the cat sighed, following where he went to lock the door before stepping back inside.

* * *

Almost an hour had gone by. Raymond researched different festivals and even watched some videos of people vlogging their experience there. Currently he was working on the presentation slides for his next big meeting, typing away on his laptop from the couch. The sounds of loud knocks on the door caught his attention, and Raymond shut his laptop, getting up and opening the door. Bob walked in with four grocery bags on his arms, and wearing a backpack, a jester's cap, and a shirt that had some popular meme plastered on it.

"What in God's name are you wearing."

"Clothes." Bob responded simply, entering their apartment and placing the grocery bags on the counter, pulling a hot pink kazoo out of one. Raymond merely blinked, letting the sight sink in.

"I gave you, like, $50, to go buy groceries and stuff for the festival."


"And you buy the stupidest getup with it instead."

Bob made a "pfffft" noise, putting his paws on his hips. "For the record it was with the leftover money! After I got rid of 2 or 3 groceries on the list.."

Raymond groaned, facepalming before digging through one of the bags.

"Maybe it was 4.."

He pulled out a neon green kazoo and gave it an odd look. "So how do these work?" Bob snapped out of it, grinning as he held his own kazoo. "Like this!" He held it up to his mouth and began playing what Raymond recognized as K.K Ragtime. It was the most annoying sounding instrument he'd ever heard. Holding up his own kazoo to his mouth, Raymond blew on it, but only air came out. He looked up at bob. "Mine's broken." The other feline shook his head, chuckling. "No no, you don't blow. You make a noise. Like, I make a 'doo' noise."

"That sounds dumb." Raymond mumbled, but nonetheless tried it. When the noise came out his expression changed from annoyance to curiosity. "Huh."

Bob laughed. "There ya go!" Grabbing his phone, he placed it on the counter, the device blasting K.K. Metal. Bob began kazooing along, and Raymond quickly joined him. It wasn't long before they kazooed through 3 different K.K. Songs, and the two cats were a laughing mess. Without warning Bob grabbed onto Raymond's paws. Going along with it, the two were dancing along to the music now, kazoos forgotten as they dropped to the floor. It couldn't even be called dancing really, just two rooms mates moving to the beat with carefree laughter coming from them both. Raymond took a moment to glance at Bob's eyes and Bob did the same. "The kazoo's aren't that dumb." Raymond eventually said. Bob's grin grew, as he picked up his pink kazoo and booped Raymond on the nose with it. "Good, cus you'll be listening to a bunch for like 7 hours tomorrow." Raymond only laughed.

"I can't wait."

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