Tomas be cudle wit his babs jamsy and he see the Schoolyer sistys uwuing on Laffy doggo and say jamsy I'm gon play with doggo and jamsy start to cri becuz he can't find his majic pills which murderr his allergy for 2 minutes to play with doggo oh no wut to doooo
The tales of some dumb ham and friends
CasualeMy fav writers http-arrogant-writer and Cat-is-typing don't despise meeeeee
Tomas Jeffysonn
Tomas be cudle wit his babs jamsy and he see the Schoolyer sistys uwuing on Laffy doggo and say jamsy I'm gon play with doggo and jamsy start to cri becuz he can't find his majic pills which murderr his allergy for 2 minutes to play with doggo oh no wut to doooo