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⚠️credit not mine this belongs to @EsmeraldaTheCat ⚠️

Oikawa's day started terribly. It was Saturday, and usually that was the best day of the week in Oikawa's opinion, because that was the day he would go to Iwa-chan's house. He and Iwaizumi recently started dating, which he was really glad about, he had liked Hajime for a long time. But a few months ago, he had told him one of his biggest secrets. He was a Little. It was something he came across some years ago, and it intrigued him a lot. After researching, and looking into different kinds of little ages, and a lot of other things, he decided that it was something he would really like to try. At first he wasn't really sure how to go about it, but at some point he bought a pacifier while being out shopping for groceries for his mom. When he saw it on the shelves he couldn't resist buying it. That night he tried it when his parents had went to bed, and he was sold. It just felt so good. He began regressing as often as he could and he bought more stuff for when he was little.
The only thing missing was a caregiver, but when he started dating Iwaizumi he saw his chance. It took awhile for him to actually ask Iwaizumi though. But one day they were hanging out at his house, he ended up telling Hajime about it. At first he didn't really understand it, but soon enough they had a arrangement evolving around Iwaizumi being Tooru's caregiver. They both enjoyed it, even Iwaizumi thought it was nice and relaxing to care for Tooru, even though he could be a brat. They chose Saturday as the day Oikawa would come to Iwaizumi's house and be little, because usually Iwaizumi's parents were out of the house on saturdays.
But this saturday, Karasuno's faculty advisor Takeda, had invited Aoba Johsai over for a short training camp at their school. They were only supposed to stay there from saturday to sunday. but Oikawa certinately wasn't happy, as he didn't have any little time this weekend then. He had gotten so used to regressing, so he was already between headspaces now, which always made him way more emotional and grumpy than usual, which certainly wasn't a good combination for him.
The other reason why his day was already terrible was because his stomach hurt and his nose was clogged. It wasn't a lot, but for Oikawa's little side it felt like he was going to die. But he couldn't afford to be absent at the camp, as it was a good opportunity to see what Karasuno's strategies were like, and he couldn't miss that. Plus his team trusted him to be there as their captain. So he packed his bag, and was about to leave when he saw his stuffed bee called Fuzzy, he got from Iwaizumi when he first started being Tooru's Daddy, sitting at the top of his shelve. He debated whether or not he should put it into his bag. In the end he stuffed the bee into his bag, afterall he couldn't just let him stay home all alone for two days after all.
He walked down the stairs and was greeted by his mom, who offered to drive him to the school, as it was raining outside. Tooru happily agreed, he was glad he didn't have to walk in the rain while he was feeling bad. His stomach hadn't gotten any better since he woke up.
They soon arrived at the parking lot at the school, and Oikawa jumped out of the car, to go over and board the bus that would drive them to Karasuno, "Iwa-chan! I missed you!" said as he sat down next to Iwaizumi who was already in the bus. "You just saw me yesterday, Shittykawa" Iwaizumi said, rolling his eyes. Tooru huffed and sat down, secretly a little sad that he got turned down. He usually didn't think anything of it, that was how Hajime always were, unless he was in littlespace, but being between headspaces, he felt a lot more emotional. He leaned against the window, cradling his stomach, that still hurt.
When Tooru didn't say anything for the most of the trip, Iwaizumi began to become worried. Oikawa was usually really talkative, and it was weird that he wasn't chatting with him at all. He just sat curled up next to the window, like he had done since he first sat down.
"Hey, is anything wrong? You're not usually this quiet" Iwaizumi asked. Oikawa snapped out of his trance and looked at him, confused. "Yeah, sorry, um, I'm fine" he said a little unsure. He wasn't fine though. His stomach was churning and it hurt really bad. His throat recently started hurting too. But he knew he couldn't tell Hajime because he would just fuss over him, and then he would have zero chance of staying big, it wasn't easy, even when he was just sitting alone.
Hajime didn't think more of it, because the bus pulled up at Karasuno's parking lot, and the coach was telling them to leave the bus, and go grab their bags.
Outside they met the Karasuno team, and they were soon told to follow them, so they could show them where they would sleep. The team threw their bags into the room, and proceeded to go over to the gym, so they could start practicing.
Oikawa still wasn't feeling any better, and this was one of the few times that he actually did not want to play volleyball, which almost never happened. He had to play though, otherwise he would just let his team down. So he couldn't tell them he was feeling bad.
The matches went okay, they still won most of them, and it was fun to play with another team. It was way more relaxed than when they meet in an actual match, which was quite enjoyable for both teams. They played until it was time for dinner, where they would leave the gym and go eat. At this point Tooru really just wanted to sleep, he was exhausted from training, even more than usual, because he was feeling sick. His teammates had looked at him weirdly more than a few times when he flopped some serves or when he failed to set the ball. It was worst when it was Iwaizumi who looked at him though, all he wanted to do when those concerned eyes fell upon him, was to run over into his arms, crying for his Daddy to take care of everything. His eyes even started watering when Hajime asked him if he needed a break. He steeled himself though, he couldn't expose his secret to his team, or the opposing team for that matter.
Iwaizumi was getting really worried for Oikawa, he had acted weird all day. He was sure something was up, but for some reason the setter refused to tell him what was bothering him. He was sure he even saw Toorus eyes start welling up with tears when he asked him something. He didn't know what to do about it though.
The brown haired setter sat next to Iwaizumi picking on his food, not really eating any of it. "Are you getting sick or something? You've acted strangely all day" Matsukawa said from the other side of the table. "No, o-of course not. I'm just not hungry, that's all" he quickly responded, looking down into the table. "I think I will go take a bath, and go to bed, I'm pretty tired today" he continued, and left the table.
He ended up not taking the shower, because as soon as he sat down on his futon, he was just feeling so sick and tired, that he couldn't force himself to stand up again.
Oikawa jerked awake, putting his hand in front of his mouth. He was going to throw up, and he could feel that he had a very short amount of time to find a toilet to do it in. So he bolted up from the bed, running towards the nearest bathroom. He smacked the door open when he found it, falling onto his knees, and began getting sick into the toilet. Tears welled up in his eyes, and rolled down his cheeks. He soon began sobbing, he felt so bad and he wanted his Daddy really bad. Sometime between running to the toilet and throwing up, he had fallen deeply into his headspace.
In the room not far away, Sugawara woke up from a door being banged open. He was usually a light sleeper, and he wasn't surprised to see all of the other team members still asleep. He decided that he had to make sure no one was hurt, and therefore he began walking down the hallway, where the bang had come from. When he was in the same hallway as the bathroom he could hear quiet sobbing coming from in there. He creeped closer, to see the door standing wide open, and inside Aoba Johsais captain, sat crying while emptying his stomach into the toilet. He didn't seem to realise someone was watching him yet.
Suga quickly jumped into action, and sat down next to the crying boy. Oikawa looked at him, scared, and began crying even louder. "Ple-e-e-ase don't tell anyone. I just want my Daddy" he wailed sadly. As soon as he had seen the silver haired third year he was sure he was sure he was going to make fun of him, and tell everybody his secret. "I promise I won't tell if you don't want me to, okay. Calm down, everything is alright. You're just a little sick, that is all" Sugawara calmly said. He was pretty sure the boy was a little. One day Kageyama had called him, and asked if he could babysit Hinata while he was in littlespace, because he had to do something with his family. He quickly learned what being a little meant, and right now Oikawa was acting the same way as Hinata did when he was sad and missed Kageyama.
Sugawara put his arms around the little, rubbing his hand up and down his back. "Can you tell me who your Daddy is, little one?" Sugawara asked. He was pretty sure that it was the spiky haired third year from Aoba Johsai, but he had to be sure, so that he didn't go get the wrong person. He just dearly hoped, that it was actually someone from his team, it would make it way more difficult for him if Oikawas caregiver was far away. That ended up not being a problem as the little whispered "Iwa-chan" into his ear. "You just have to stay here for a few minutes and then I will go get your Daddy for you, does that sound alright?" Suga asked. Oikawa considered his words for a few seconds before nodding his head.
Suga left the bathroom to go fetch Iwaizumi. He quickly found the room where their team was sleeping, the door was still open, probably from when Oikawa ran out. He moved over next to where he could see Iwaizumi sleeping, and slowly shook him awake. He slowly began waking up. "It's really early just a few more minutes... Wait, what are you doing in here, it's in the middle of the night?" Hajime tiredly said, as he realised it wasn't Oikawa shaking him.
"I believe I have your sick little boy sitting in the bathroom down the hallway. I'm pretty sure he threw up and has a fever, so I had to go get you, plus he was asking for you" Sugawara whispered, trying not to wake anybody else in the room. "Oh shit! Can you show me where he is?!" Iwaizumi said, suddenly much more awake than before. That was why his boyfriend had been acting weird all day, he was feeling both sick and little. Now it suddenly made sense.
Suga gestured for him to follow along. They quickly down to the bathroom, where Tooru was still sitting curled up, with tears trailing down his cheeks. When he looked up he exclaimed "DADDY!" happily, jumping up to hug him. Hajime happily hugged him back and told him "You have to tell when you aren't feeling well, you know that". The little began crying again, not liking that he was getting scolded. "Hey, schh, schh, it's okay, I'm not mad at you. We will just have to get you back to bed, so you can feel better soon". Oikawa nodded, he was really tired right now, and he had his Daddy so it was all okay again.
"Thank you for helping, I will get him to bed now. See you at breakfast" Iwaizumi told Suga. The silver haired setter smiled him, "I'm glad that i could help, sleep well" he said smiling, walking back to the room the Karasuno team slept in.
"Let's get you back to bed" Hajime told the tired little, hoisting him up on his hip. "Okay, but can I please have Fuzzy when we get back? He's all alone in my bag" Tooru asked, not wanting his friend to be lonely.
"Of course you can" Hajime told him warmly, while beginning the walk back to bed.

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