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The New Kid [Part VI]


The sound of the bell ringing fished Rez out of her haze. After what had happened last weekend, she found that she could barely maintain focus at school. Too many other things were on her mind; and she had a busy day ahead of her.

First, she had to help Nyaneki in placing posters and advertisements for the anime club around the school. Rez wasn't exactly into all that, but she wanted to help a friend, and she could use the distraction. Then after that, Rez had an "appointment" with Zinta after school, which Ponco was more than happy to provide her his company there. And of course, York wanted some help down on the football field, as it was the day before the game. Again, she could make way with some distractions.

"Rez. Is something wrong?" the teacher asked as he noticed Rez was still standing her desk.

Rez realized she had spaced out again. Damnit, Rez. Get yourself together, she told herself before turning to face Mr. Phoenix. "Y-yeah, Mr. Phoenix. I'm okay. I was just thinking about what we learned in class today." she stammered. "Chemistry really is one giant relationship. A relationship that can be volatile at times, and dormant at other times. You really just have to keep a good balance, just like how too many chemicals can create a combustion." Rez continued, though at this point she didn't even know what was coming out of her mouth.

Mr. Phoenix sat and contemplated what she'd said for a moment, a hand on his chin. "You know, Rez. That was actually beautifully put. I hope you don't mind me pasting that to the board for my other classes to see."

"It would be an honor." Rez replied with a smile, though she couldn't care less about her "quote". She grabbed her bag and made for the door. "Have a great rest of your day, Mr. Phoenix."

"You too, Rez." said Mr. Phoenix, eyeing Rez closely as she walked out of his class.

Not even a foot out the door, she ran right into Crow, who seemed to be looking for her.

"Ah! Rez. Been lookin' for you all day. How is it that we've known each other a few weeks and I don't know your classes?" he asked, scratching his head. "Anyway, Jester wanted to make sure you were okay, you know... after what happened." Crow added as he held his backpack over one shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm doing fine." Rez said, grinning. "Head still hurts a little, but nothing I can't handle. Thank you guys for taking care of me. You really didn't have to."

Crow smiled and wrapped an arm around her. "Hey. From a friend to a friend, you take care of each other."

"Thanks, Crow. I'm gonna go help out Nyaneki with her club. Catch you later." Rez said, running a hand through her silky soft hair. She watched Crow as he walked to the cafeteria. He turned around and waved at her, before disappearing out of sight.

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"So... what do you guys do exactly in anime club?" asked Rez curiously as she taped an ad to the school wall.

"Oh, sweetie. We do everything. From cosplay nights to binging seasons of SAO and Black Butler, to roleplaying, to playing video games, you name it." Nyaneki replied in her usual upbeat vibe. "It's a blast." she said as she tied her semi-messy hair into a ponytail and pushed her glasses up.

"That sounds like a lot of planning. But it does sound like you guys have fun."

"You bet your sweet ass we have fun, Rez."

She couldn't help but to ask the question that'd been nagging at her thoughts every time she saw the two.

"Hey, Nyaneki?" Rez called out, taping another ad to the a locker.

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