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The New Kid [Part VII]

"Hey, Rez." asked Nyaneki as the two girls stood watch outside the town hall.

"Yeah?" replied Rez, turning to face Nyaneki, shivering in the cold night air.

"Do you... believe in the superstitious things in life?"

Rez thought for a moment, twirling her hair. "Care to elaborate?" she responded.

Nyaneki shrugged. "Like, if you were say, taking care of an elderly person. A very sick one at that. Say they were in a different room and you heard a crow outside, making those creepy crow sounds. Would you go check on the old person?"

"Hmm. Well... that's kinda dark. But, I think I might. I don't believe in he superstitious, but I know crows are reminiscent of... death. So I might feel compelled to check on them." Rez said, her mind pondering the idea. "What's up? Why are you asking about such dark thoughts?"

Nyaneki sighed. "Mm. I don't know. Just wondering. I find this stuff interesting. It's actually a really mind-churning topic. Fun."

Rez smiled. "Yeah, I could sit in a candlelit room, listening to people make conversation about creepy, supernatural, paranormal things while I'm curled up in a blanket. I'd like that."

"Sounds like you've got a thing for horror and creepiness. Not bad. So do I."

Rez and Nyaneki turned around as Jester popped his head out of the window they'd snuck into the town hall from.

"Alright. I've grabbed what I could from the Mayor's personal office. Let's go meet up with Sleep and Crow." he said as he climbed out of the window and shut it quietly behind.

"Did you put the key back on the rack in the reception?" Nyaneki asked, a nervous look crowding her expression.

Jester chuckled. "Of course I did. Come on, let's go."

The three of them hopped in Zinta's Audi they'd borrowed from his car garage. Jester drove down Main Street to the Blackwald Police Department. Rez stepped out and looked down towards the base of the building, seeing the lone light which was turned on in the basement floor of the police department.

"How much longer should they be?" Rez asked, glancing around the dark street.

"Not that much longer. Look." Nyaneki responded, nodding her head towards one of the basement's small windows.

The window creaked open, and they saw Sleep poke his head out, looking around before pulling himself out, followed by Crow.

"Guys. You forgot to turn off the light!" called Rez in a raised whisper.

Sleep turned around and gave Crow a look, who threw his arms to his sides before reaching a hand inside and flipping the lightswitch.

"Okay." Jester started, pulling his hoodie on. "First thing's first. Head to the school, and find out friends."

"You got the tools?" Crow asked.

"Yep. They're in the back of Zinta's Audi." Jester said, gesturing an arm towards the frost-white Audi, the bright blue headlights illuminating the group.

"Huh. What made you guys take one of Zinta's cars?" asked Sleep curiously.

"Uh. More fuel efficient?" Jester threw in quickly.

"No. Not more fuel efficient. You just wanted to drive his Audi." Nyaneki said with a tint of sass.

"Whoa. Okay, maybe I did. But whatever. Let's go."

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