chapter 6

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i was actually having a good time at midsummers which was surprising. but i just danced with sarah and topper for most of the time.

"y/n, it's time" my mum whispered to me, referring to the fact i now had to slow dance with my secret boyfriend while everyone watched.

i turned my head over to where she wanted me to go, rafe was already stood there. the dance floor was cleared and there was heaps of people around the outside ready to watch this tradition. i walked over lifting my dress so i didn't trip and fall infront of everyone.

"hey y/n" he said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as i approached him

"rafe, people don't know about us yet" i said referring to the fact that he had just done a romantic thing in front of everyone.

"shit sorry" he laughed

the music started playing, it was the same song as always it was make it to me by sam smith. i raised my eyed and my cheeks burned up as it started playing.

"it's gonna be ok" rafe said smiling at me, obviously noticing that i was going red

as soon as he said that my cheeks went back to their original shade and i immediately calmed down, it was amazing what this boy did to me.

{listen to the audio at the top while reading the dance part}

we started the routine we both knew so well. as the chorus came rafe spun me towards him and held me close to him for a second. my heart went crazy.

"earlier on why did you say i love you too? i hadn't said i love you first?" he asked making sure it was only me who could hear it

"i heard the voice mail" i said putting my arms around his neck while he wrapped his around my waist

"what voice mail?" he asked, confusedly

"you were talking to topper last night at the party and you must have butt dialled me and it went to voice mail and i heard everything rafe" i said looking into his beautiful blue eyes, still swaying to the beat of the music

"oh shit, uh yeah. everything i said y/n i meant it you know?" he said spinning me again

"i know and i love you" i said grinning

the music stopped and we walked away from eachother like we were supposed to, i walked straight over to sarah.

"i hate that tradition" she said sighing

"oh right yeah uhm same" i said lying seeing topper raise his eyebrows at me because he knew the secret

in the corner of my eye i could see jj running towards a door, rafe kelce and two other boys running after him.

"uhm i will be right back" i said to sarah and topper

i ran after the boys, but the dress was really slowing me down so by the time i got to where they were, kelce had jj in a headlock and rafe was talking to jj in a rude way.

"rafe dont" i said walking over to him before things could get messy

he immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at me. i grabbed his hand not really caring what the others thought about it.

"let's go" i said to rafe smiling

"oh and kelce get jj out of that headlock" i said to kelce putting my middle finger up at him which made jj laugh.

"aren't you pissed?" rafe said as we walked away from where they were

"not really it was bound to happen at some point" i said just shrugging it off

"true, he's an annoying fucker that jj kid" rafe said clenching his fists

"i know" i said laughing "but please don't get on fights as often as you do it scares me rafe" i said gripping his hand tighter

"i won't" he said, his face softening at my words

"let's get out of this lame ass party" i said looking at rafe will love in my eyes

"ok" he said without hesitation

we got on his motor bike, i wasn't scared of it anymore i was to distracted by the love i had found in the boy sitting in front of me.

we arrived at my house a while later. he lifted me off the bike because i was struggling, but he did it bridal style and didn't let me go until we got to my bedroom which made me giggle.

"god your giggle is so cute" he said looking me in my eyes

"it's really not it's so-" i said but before i could finish my sentence rafe collided his lips with mine i grinned, i loved how secretive our relationship was. no one could have an opinion because no one knew.

the kiss grew more passionate and he threw me onto the bed which made me laugh. then we did the dirty (again i'm not trying to go into details)

afterwords we both laid next to eachother with our finger entwined. we fell asleep cuddling.

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