chapter 16

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"i need to get my phone from the car i will be back in a minute" i said while beginning to walk back to rafes car

"ok see you in a minute" he said blowing me a kiss which i caught

i ran up to his car and grabbed my phone but as i did the dashboard of his car caught my attention because it was open slightly and it was filled with packets of something. curiously i opened the compartment and inside laid cocaine, as soon as i saw the white powder i gasped. he had promised me he would stop. we are having a baby how can i let a druggie raise my baby with me, and i'm supposed to marry him. i had given him so many chances, i looked down at my engagement ring and fiddled with it for a moment before taking it off and placing it inside the dashboard which i left open. by this point tears were streaming down my face uncontrollably. i fumbled for my phone in my pocket and dialled toppers number.

calling topper💙...

"hey" topper said as he picked up the phone

"topper can you pick me up i'm at the beach, and be quick please i will explain later" i said in a shaky voice because i was still crying my eyes out

"yeah sure. are you crying?!" he said with a concerned tone in his voice

"topper just please" i begged

"ok i'm on my way" he said

i hung up and took a deep breath between tears. i didn't know what i was going to do, how would i raise a baby on my own? before i could think more about the situation i heard a car beeping which snapped me out of my thoughts.

"y/n" topper said running out of the car and hugging me

"quick we need to go before he comes back" i said walking to his car

"who?" he asked in a confused tone as he got into the car

"rafe" i said wiping my eyes

"what!?" he said, beginning to start driving towards the house

"he's still doing coke" i said beginning to tear up once again

"fuck" he said sighing

(i think before i said that she was 6 months pregnant but i wanna change it to 9 months)

"topper!" i said in a shocked voice

"what?" he asked

"my water broke!" i said looking down at the pool of water on the seat of his car

"oh my god i'm turning around to get rafe and then we are going to the hospital" he said looking at me with a scared look

"no not rafe" i said groaning because the contractions had began

"we have to he's the dad wether you like it or not" topper said

"please top, for me?" i begged

"sorry y/n we have to" topper said turning into the car park that i left rafe in

"fuck fuck fuck" i said sinking down into my seat as i saw rafe standing by his truck with tears running down his cheeks

"y/n either you get out of the car and talk to him or i get out and he gets in" topper said parking the car

"topper i'm in labour are you actually going to be this selfish?" i screamed

"get out of the car" he said pointing to rafe

"fine" i said sticking my middle finger up at him

"you don't mean that" he said blowing a kiss at me in a sarcastic way

i began to walk over to rafe, i was nervous because i really didn't want to face him. but i understand that he needs to be there when the baby is born.

"what's going on?" rafe asked holding up the engagement ring. with a voice crack because he was crying

"you know" i said pointing at the dashboard

rafe pov~

as she said those words 'you know' my heart dropped, she knew that i didn't stop and i'm still an addict.

"uh i-" i said rubbing the back of my neck

"don't" she said shaking her head at me

"y/n i love you" i said looking her in the eyes, i wasn't prepared to lose the love of my life because i made a stupid choice to carry on when she told me to stop

"nows not the time, the babies coming" she said pointing at her stomach.

"what!?" i gasped

"yeah, let's go" she said rolling her eyes at me

"y/n wait-" i said grabbing onto her arm as she turned away from me

"what." she snapped

"i will find a way to make this all better i promise you" i said weakly smiling at her

"whatever" she said walking back to the car

i was really exited and really upset, i was happy because my baby was on the way but i was sad because y/n is really pissed at me and i'm not sure if i can ever make it better.

back to y/n pov~

i walked back to toppers car with rafe walking behind me.

"what happened" topper whispered to me as i got into the car

"nothing" i replied

me, rafe and topper sat in the car in silence for a while before we arrived at the hospital. but rafe kept on tapping me from the seat behind me, which just made me sink down in my seat to prevent him from carrying on. i felt terrible for ignoring him but what he did was wrong and it's his problem.

"we're here" topper said, pulling into the hospital car park

"thank god" i said, getting out of the car and groaning because i got another contraction

"are you ok!" rafe asked in a concerned tone

"i'm fine rafe leave me alone" i said rolling my eyes

we got inside the hospital and they gave me a room, sarah met us at the hospital.

"what's going on with you and rafe?" she asked as we walked to the designated room

"he's a dick i will tell you more when the babies out" i said looking at my bump

"oh ok" she said laughing

as we walked into the hospital room we were greeted by a nurse who told me to lie on the hospital bed.

"you can only have one other person apart from me in here when you push" the nurse said smiling at me and the group

rafe was just about to walk out of the room with topper because he expected that i didn't want him in the room because i was mad at him.

"rafe, can you stay?" i asked rafe smiling slightly

"yeah sure" he said grinning

i just numbly smiled at him, even if i was mad at him now i couldn't be forever because i needed him to be part of the baby's life because he's the dad.

2 hours later~

"one more push" the nurse said looking at me

i pushed once more and i heard the sound of our baby crying. i looked at rafe with a massive smile on my face, he had happy tears running down his face.

it's a .....

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