Team Finchel

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No P.O.V


"So, how was your winter?" Kurt asks Rachel and Marley by their lockers. Blaine is by Kurt's side.

"I spent my winter with Jake. He's half-jewish but he celebrates Christmas so him and his mom came over and spent Christmas with my mom and me." Marley explains.

"Young love." Kurt awes.

"What did you do, Rachel?" Blaine asks.

"I spent time with my dads' and just hung out around home." Rachel says.

"What about Jesse?" Kurt says.

"He was spending time with his family and his team mates from Vocal Adrenaline." Rachel says.

"I have a weird feeling about Jesse. I think he's hiding something from you." Marley says.

"You have weird feelings about everything, Marls." Rachel says and the four walk to their classes.


Finn P.O.V


This semester is dedicated to me winning back Rachel. Puck's in with my unthought plan. He's told Sam, who's in and so is his girl Mercedes. Tina and Marley was also in. I told Kurt about how strong my feelings for Rachel are and he's in. He also got Blaine to help out too. Looks like we're on a mission. We meet up in the auditorium when we all have a free period together. We all sit on the stage.

"This is the first meeting of Team Finchel." Puck says.

"Finchel?" Tina asks.

"Finn and Rachel's couple name," Kurt says, "It was my awesome mashing up skills that made it."

"I just want to thank all of you for wanting to help," I say, rising from my chair, "I hate seeing Rachel being with Jesse."

"I've always had a weird feeling about Jesse. I think he's hiding something from Rachel." Marley says.

"Same here." Mercedes says.

"I know Rachel wants to be with you Finn but I think she's thinking Jesse will be good for her since they're both divas." Blaine says.

I smile at everyone's comments and notice Puck and Sam planning something. It looks dumb from their bad drawings on the small whiteboard but the thought is what counts. We all talk about ways I could win her back; I could serenade her, do something extremely romantic or just beat up Jesse (last one was Puck's idea).

We all hear the door to the auditorium opening up and we hear it close. Our eyes all go to the door to see a familar cheerleader with dark hair.

"What do we have here?" Santana asks, walking down the steps.

"A little group of friends hanging out." Marley says, looking nervous. I look at her and have a look on my face hopefully saying 'Thanks for trying to help saving our asses from Santana but that ain't going to cut it for her'.

"That's a lot of crap since Puckster and the silent asian never hang out together," Santana says, making her way onto the stage, "Neither would Porcelain be seen with Puckster. Tell me the truth Honey Boo Boo or you tell me, Chubby-Wan Kenobi."

"It's the first meeting of Team Finchel." I confess.

"Team Finchel? What kind of crap is that?" Santana asks.

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