At Your Service: Knights of Ren Escorts

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"Welp, ladies, we are so close to finishing, we can taste it," Rose lifted her glass of champagne to toast Rey and Gwen.

"Yay, us!" Gwen said and they all clinked glasses.

"Whew," Rey said. "I am so tired, not so much physically as mentally. It is a fuck-ton of work to put this thing to bed."

Nods all around.

"So to speak," Holdo quipped.

They were talking about their brainchild—an anthology of sex-positive stories, essays, and poems with a smattering of research and advice thrown in. Rey, Gwen, Rose, and Holdo, researchers in the Women's Studies Department at Organa College, spearheaded the development of this important work. It had not been an easy road—they ran into a few obstacles, primarily from the publisher.

Holdo had gone head-to-head with the conservative editor-in-chief of the Organa College Press to get the anthology accepted. She'd come back from meetings growling and demanding to be saved from prudish men like Ben Solo, who was holding up the process. Rose, Gwen, and Rey would groan and go back to revising and reframing the proposal, while Holdo fussed and fumed and threatened to call the deal off. Ben Solo could go straight to hell as far as she was concerned.

The manuscript was almost complete, and Editor Prissy-Pants (as Holdo called him) finally accepted the abstract, introduction, and the first couple of chapters. Now all the women had to do was finish it the last piece and turn it in.

One more article to write—and no one seemed to want to research it.

"One more thing and we've got it," Holdo said. "Who will volunteer?"

Rose grabbed a chip from the bowl, scooped up some hot salsa, and began crunching. Gwen inspected her nails. Rey looked at the ceiling to see if any answer was forthcoming.

Holdo rolled her eyes. "Oh, come on."

"Why not you?" Gwen said. "I'm too...uh, tired."

"No, we've been over this," Holdo said, an edge creeping into her voice. "I'm married. I will not..."

"You said it wasn't about sex," Rey interrupted. "It's a romantic date."

"Still," Holdo said, pursing her lips. "Not me. I fought with Solo and won. It's someone else's turn." She fanned herself with the organization's fancy brochure. "And sex is indeed on their menu for anyone who wants it."

Rey took it from Holdo's hand. "I can't believe they printed this up. Are they crazy? Isn't this male prostitution, basically?" The brochure had the name Knights of Ren scrolled on it in bold letters. The cover showed a woman lounging languorously on a huge black and red throne, dressed in a flowing white gown with a blood-red rose between her fingers. Nothing else.

Inside was a menu. Rey read it for the hundredth time.


The Sweetest Love

Dark Passion

Scenic Romance

Ladies Night Out

A La Carte:

Chocolate Kisses

Firelight and Fur

Good Vibrations

Tied in a Bow

Gentle Rubdown

Moveable Feast

Guessing Games

Magic Marker

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