| NEW MOON | ~ || 7 || Jacob Breaks His Promise

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No One's POV

The Swan sisters have been trying to get a hold of Jacob but he wasn't answering any calls. He just disappeared for a while. They've been worried ever since the movie theater.

But as time passed, Elizabeth grew pissed off. He didn't get to do this. He doesn't get to just up and leave like The Cullens did.

She wanted answers. So she's gonna get them.

"You know what, fuck this." Elizabeth says and grabs the truck keys and goes to Bella's room.

"Come on." Elizabeth says, opening her bedroom door.

"Where are we going?" Bella asks.

"Getting some answers we damn well deserve." Elizabeth says.

Bella nods then follows her and they go down the stairs and outside before they get in the truck. Elizabeth drives to Jacobs house and when they get there, they see Jacob walking away from his house.

In the rain.

Elizabeth parks the truck by the house and the two sisters get out of the truck and walk over to their best friend who had been a big help in their depression over The Cullens leaving town.

"Jake!" Elizabeth shouts.

"Hey!" Bella shouts.

Jacob stops and turns as the girls go up to him.

"You cut your hair off?" Bella asks.

"And got a tattoo?" Elizabeth asks.

"Liz.. Bella." Jacob says.

"I thought you were two sick to come outside. Or pick up the phone when we call." Bella says, her voice cracking as she spoke at the end.

"Go away." Jacob says.

"What?" The girls ask.

"Go away." Jacob repeats.

"What happened to you?" Elizabeth asks.

"What's wrong- hey!" Bella says, grabbing Jacobs shoulder, stopping him from leaving them in the middle of their confrontation.

"What happened?" Elizabeth asks.

"Did Sam get to you? Is that what's happening?" Bella asks.

"Sam is just trying to help me. Don't blame him. But if you want somebody to blame. How about those filthy bloodsuckers you both love so much. The Cullens." Jacob snarls.

Bella's face fell as Elizabeth's hardened. She may be upset but Carlisle is her mate and the love of her life. She loves him and the family very much.

"We don't know what you're talking about." Bella says.

"You two know exactly what I'm talking about. You guys have been lying to everyone. Charlie.... but you can't lie to me. Not anymore, girls." Jacob says.

Voices called Jacobs name and they saw a group of guys. Sam and his group.

"Look, girls. We can't be friends anymore." Jacob says.

"Look, Jake, I know that I've been hurting you. It's killing me. It kills me. Maybe, maybe just give me like some time or something." Bella says.

"No, it's not you." Jacob says.

"It's not you, it's me right? Really?" Elizabeth asks.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. But it's true, it is me. I'm not.. good. I used to be. A good kid... not anymore. This doesn't even matter, alright? This is over." Jacob says.

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