4. The Confusion

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It was almost morning when Flashdrive finally reached Crown City again. She'd ran and skated all the way, avoiding civilians and crowded locations as she went, and all of her energy was spent.
She paused at the river as the sun was rising, dipping her hands into the water to wipe off any residue from her brief time as a midwife. Why had she done that? Why did he let her do that? That didn't seem like the evil monster she'd grown up hearing about.

Her tired optics lifted up to the sunrise, its yellow beams peeking over the hills and pink clouds hovering above. That was the last image she had before exhaustion took over and she collapsed right there on the shore.

It was only a few hours before someone riding their bicycle on one of the trails alongside the river noticed her slumped over under the bridge and reported it to the mayor, who got the message to Bumblebee.

Bumblebee was out of the Scrapyard in an instant. He himself had gotten no sleep worrying about her, and then he gets a report that they found her unconscious under the bridge? Steeljaw would pay for this!

Strongarm insisted on coming along, in case it was a trap laid for them by Steeljaw and she was just the bait.

Bumblebee transformed as soon as he arrived and slid down the slope, his optics widening as he saw his baby. "Flashdrive!"

He rushed over to her, carefully scooping her up into his arms and shaking her gently. "Flashdrive...Sweetspark, can you hear me...!?"

Flashdrive's optics fluttered open, staring blankly for a moment before focusing on the Lieutenant. "...Dad?"

"Oh thank the Allspark...!"

Bumblebee pulled her closer to him, kissing her forehead. "I was worried sick...!"

"I...I was almost there...I must've fallen asleep. I'm sorry..."

"No, no... Don't you apologize...!"

Bumblebee cradled his daughter despite her almost being too big for him to do so. "...It's my fault for not keeping a better eye on you... Did Steeljaw hurt you?"

"N-No...He let me go..."

"He what?" Strongarm peeked under the bridge, "Why? He doesn't seem like the kind to show mercy..."

Flashdrive smirked. "...You know how annoyingly persuasive I can be..."

Her smile faded as she grimaced, and Bumblebee carried her out from under the bridge. "...He...knocked me out with some sort of fumes, and when I woke up...I was in the middle of nowhere..."

"Why didn't you contact us on the comms?"

"...I didn't think I was that far from here...I'm sorry."

"As long as you're alright..." Bumblebee held her closer to him, "Thank Primus...!"

"You worry too much, Mi Sangre...I'm not a child anymore you know."

"You'll always be my child, Flashdrive, no matter how old you are."

Flashdrive sighed, resting her head on his shoulder. "...I'm so tired..."

"Well, don't you worry, we're going to get you home, okay?"

Flashdrive smiled and then relaxed as she closed her eyes.

Bumblebee gave a nod to Strongarm and she transformed back into vehicle mode. "We have her." He reported through the comms, "She's alright."

Thank Primus. Sideswipe sighed.

"We're on our way back..."


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