Chapter 18

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In the world of Remnant at the Xiao Long Household, Taiyang were ready heading to Signal.

Taiyang: Aw man Tai you're going to be late again.

Taiyang left the house and start to walk to the forest.

Taiyang: Things are really starting to get difficult around here. First Raven then Summer and now my daughters are gone, how can I move on like this at all?

As he was about head to the forest to catch the train, a red portal comes right in front of him to which make him jump but he quickly recognize it.

Taiyang: Wait...Raven, is that you?

Just then Taiyang were surprise seeing many people coming out of the portal, some of whom he doesn't even know or at least recognize.

Uncle Cone: Argh! My back!

Raze: I'm never going into a portal like that again.

Blake: Hey stop complaining, at least we made didn't we?

Pyrrha: Only...where are we?

Taiyang: Um, can I help you four?

The others look at Taiyang and got up from the grass.

Blake: Are you Yang's dad?

Taiyang: Ur yeah I am...Wait you know Yang, is she okay?

Pyrrha: Um I wouldn't say okay

Taiyang: Wait what?!

Uncle Cone: a long story, I mean so long that if I had write it on a book it would took at least eleven chapters!

Taiyang: eleven chapters you say, alright I'm listening.

Back on Earth, (Y/N) slowly open his eyes to see that he were in chains.

(Y/N): Hmm, what the...what is going on?

I then heard clapping to which I turn to see where the noise were coming from to which it were a girl with multi-hair colour of pink and brown along the eyes looking at me.

(Y/N): Umm Hey Ur...Miss, can you help us here?

She shake her head and press the red button to which the alarm sound comes on which cause Yang, Qrow and Raven that were also in chains wake up.

Yang: Argh someone turn off that damn noise!

Neo press the button again to turn it off and stood up from her seat looking at each one of us.

(Y/N) (Internally): What is she doing?
Neo point at me and start walking towards me with her umbrella, she then bow down and use the sharp end of the umbrella to point it straight at my neck.

Qrow/Yang: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): O-Okay, l-let just clam down here o-okay!

Neo slit my right face a little but the blood start to run down my cheek to which she smile at it and clap which at that moment I knew she were a psycho.

Roman: Neo, are our hostage awake yet?

Roman Torchwick opens the door to see that the hostages are already awake and Neo were already playing with one.

Roman: sigh...Neo what did I say about telling me if the hostages are awake?

She just looks the other way while whistling to herself.

(Y/N): Hey look what she did to my face!

Roman looks at my face seeing the blood running down my check to which he turn to Neo and put a thumb up.

Roman: Good girl!

(Y/N): What no! How is this good at all, can you please wipe it off!

Roman: I mean I could but I will clean it later.

(Y/N): Oh come on the stain is going to be stuck there if it stays like this for a while.

Roman: I mean that is true but....just no, anyway we need you to answer some questions.

Raven: Wait, are you two going to ignore us?

Roman turns around and just notice the other three were awake to which he roll his eyes and look at Neo.

Roman: Neo torture them as long as you want, I'm going to have a talk with earthling boy over there.

Yang: Oh my oum Mom, you see what you did!

Raven: Silence child!

Neo made a puff face and points at (Y/N) to which Roman shakes his hand.

Roman: No you cannot torture this boy, only those three behind me.

(Y/N) (Internally): Me? Why does she want to torture me?!

Neo sigh and walk over to the other three ready to torture them.

Roman: Alright now that she with your friends, I have things to discuss with you about (Y/N) (L/N).

(Y/N): Wait, how do you know my full name?

Roman: Oh it on the news, basically you're wanted all over worldwide.

(Y/N): Ah great just my luck....

Roman: Anyway I need to ask you some questions about this world, so you better ask them truly or else you I will let Neo torture you as long as she likes.

Neo turns her face to me with a lust but scary face while holding the pointy end of the umbrella to which at that moment were probably the terrifying thing to imagine right now.

(Y/N): Y-Ye...Y-Yes sir!

Roman: That a good boy now first question, Why is there exactly are their seven continents in this world instead of four like back at Remnant?

(Y/N): U-Urrrrrrrrr.....Because we were able to expand our lands...I think.

Roman: Hmm interesting.

Roman takes out a book and start writing it down.

Roman: Oh and if you were going to ask yes this is my journal just knowing a lot of this world actually, it pretty interesting the more I explore.

(Y/N): I see well I don't really know much on this world since I'm still in school and-

Roman: Okay I understand....Neo you can have-

(Y/N): N-NO! I-I will tell you everything you want to know about this world!

Roman: Oh that good I thought I had to bring Neo to torture you but okay, next question!

(Y/N): Oh baby Jesus help me right now...

Someplace else, Ruby open her eyes to notice that she were in an empty room with a chair and table to which she didn't know what was going on?

Ruby: Hmm where am I, where is everyone else and why am I wearing a gown?

Just then the door opens in which Jolter comes in looking at the silver eye girl, he sat on the chair and drink water out of a bottle ready to talk.

Jolter: Hello there Ruby Rose, it an honour to meet you?

Ruby: U-Um...hello, who are you?

Jolter: Oh let just say, you and I are friends....Ruby, you are so special you have no idea.

Ruby: W-What are you talking about, where are my friends?

Jolter: Oh young Ruby don't worry about them now, let just say your power is going to change the world.

Ruby: My...My power?

Jolter: Yes, your silver eye power.

Continues in The Next Chapter...

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