Chapter 7

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Back to Raven and Qrow in Noah's Bedroom, the boy were just scared on what he just saw that he couldn't open his mouth

Qrow: so kid my name is Qrow Branwen and this is my sister Raven, we need a place to stay for a while until we can able to find out about this place

Noah: w-well if you want to know where you're on Planet Earth

Qrow: Earth sounds like a name for monkey-Faunus

Noah: what?

Raven: so what are you called an Earthling or something?

Noah: um no I'm just a human

Qrow: oh I see what about the Faunus, are there some around?

Noah: Faunus, what is that?

Qrow: oh shoot you don't have Faunus race in this world uh I guess some people in our world would happily travel here

Raven: well at least racism doesn't exist here

Noah: uh yes it do-

Qrow: so kid do you have Grimms in this world

Noah: no...Grimm is just a myth

Qrow: wait hold on what, Grimms are a myth?

Noah: well yeah I mean...wait are you aliens?

Qrow: that depends what are aliens exactly?

Noah: well it's a being like extraterrestrial life that isn't from this place

Raven: that sounds like us so yeah we are aliens

Noah: wait if you're an alien...that could only mean...

Noah then got scared and punch Qrow straight in the face and slap Raven that he were heading to the window

Noah: I'm not getting probe!

Qrow: wait kid what are you talking about?!

Raven: Qrow after him now!

Meanwhile at (Y/N)'s home it was early in the morning, the boy slowly open his eyes to see the light shining on his face

(Y/N) (Yawn): oh man what time is it right now?

I check my phone to see the time to find out it was now six in the morning

(Y/N): wow it really early in the morning, well I should probably start off the day by doing my morning routines

I got up from my bed and were ready doing my morning routines but then as I pass the door I notice that the assignments were not there anymore

(Y/N): w-what the...where are the assignments?!

I look around my room and they were not anywhere

(Y/N): oh my god please don't tell me I lost them because if I did, I am so screwed

Just then I heard knocks coming from my door in which I was heading to the door

(Y/N): I'm coming!

I open the door and in my surprise saw Noah looking behind while having this worry look on his face

(Y/N): N-Noah what are you-

Noah didn't let me finish as he rush into my house and close the door locking it

(Y/N): Hey are you alright, why are you-

Noah: shush!

Noah looks at the door for a few moments until he turn around and look back at me holding both my arms

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