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"I'm gonna vomit." Abby said covering her mouth in disgust.

Who wouldn't throw up after seeing a dead body? This body in particular was a girl they had just seen alive and happy a few hours ago. Now she was stuffed full of fruity pebbles.

"Oh my god! Emily! Emily can you hear me!?" Winter rushed to the girls side. "Guys maybe she's still alive! Help me save her!"

"No, no. She's definitely dead." Landon assured.

"Well does anyone have some of those shocky things doctors use? We can just bring her back!"

"Winter, why would anyone have a defibrillator right now?" Adam asked.

"A what?" Winter scratched her head in confusion.

"Guys why are we wasting time? We need to leave now before anything else hap-" Ethan couldn't evening finish his sentence before a crash came from one of the activity rooms.

"Who's there!?" Adam called out.

There was no response. Landon cocked his head towards the entrance to the room signaling for Adam to follow. They crept towards the cracked door slowly.

"Be careful." Winter whispered.

They reached the door and opened it cautiously. It opened with a loud creak and the two brave jocks went inside ready to fight.

"Who's in here!?" Adam called again.

A low growl came from the darkest corner in the room. Both guys jerked their heads in the direction of the noise. They could just barely make out the figure of a person squatting down.

"You killed Emily!" Landon yelled making the shadow growl. "Get over here Cereal Girl!"

He ran straight at her with his fists clenched, but before he could reach her she swiftly moved out of the way causing him to collide with the wall. Adam tried to grab her but she ran too quickly and kicked his feet from under him. She was on top of him stuffing Frosted Flakes into his mouth.

"Help!" He mumbled through the cereal filling his mouth. "Landon help!"

"Eat more. Eat more ceeeereaaalll." Cereal Girl commanded.

Landon grabbed the window sill pulling himself into a standing position. He had heard his friend call for assistance but he decided he was too late. Cereal Girl already had her knife to Adam's throat, so instead of attempting to save him Landon ran.

"GUYS WE NEED TO HIDE NOW!" Landon screamed running out of the room.

The other three followed hurriedly dashing into the storage room. They closed the door behind them making sure to lock it and flipped the lights on.

"Wait where's Adam!?" Winter questioned.

Everyone stared at Landon waiting for a response. The seemingly tough guy looked as if he was about to break down.

"I left him. She was about to kill him and I didn't want to die too, so I ran." Landon confessed to the others causing their faces to drop.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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