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" Nervous? Ur a Badass What do u have to be nervous about " Jason asked " Bc If My Eyes Turn To where u cant see any white i might just kill someone Nd that makes me nervous so either look away or see me going crazy " Sbe said he looked down at his phone i saw her eyes dart to his phone " EnjoyingMy Naked Pics Jacob? " She said repainting her nails " Ya I So Am God Ur Sexy " He said she giggled " U never stop do u " She said " Never " I Said she put the polish up and showed me her nails " What u think babe? " She asked

" Nervous? Ur a Badass What do u have to be nervous about " Jason asked " Bc If My Eyes Turn To where u cant see any white i might just kill someone Nd that makes me nervous so either look away or see me going crazy " Sbe said he looked down at hi...

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" Damn it looks like nothing ever happened " I said " Oh Yea Almost forgot she took some diamond's and placed them on her nails " This is boring " Jason said " Theres a Bathroom for ya " Winter said " Why would i go in the bath...." " So U Can Shut The Fuck Up " She said she got up but i grabbed her waist " But Baaabbbyyy I Need Some Scotch " She said " Okay Get Me One Too K Kitten " " Okay Daddy " She whispered in my ear i growled she smirked and left she came back with scotch and a plate of ice cream she took the spoon and fed me some ice cream

" Mm Thanks Kitten " I said she smiled and took her bit it was like slow motion she took the spoon out of her mouth and licked her lips i picked up a piece of chocolate and fed it to her when we finished she thought about something for a second bo...

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" Mm Thanks Kitten " I said she smiled and took her bit it was like slow motion she took the spoon out of her mouth and licked her lips i picked up a piece of chocolate and fed it to her when we finished she thought about something for a second bofre saying " I want More ill be back " She said and as she walked out i spanked her ass she giggled and started rubbing her ass " Oh That Hurts " She said and she left she came back with more ice cream And lindo chocolates

" Mm Thanks Kitten " I said she smiled and took her bit it was like slow motion she took the spoon out of her mouth and licked her lips i picked up a piece of chocolate and fed it to her when we finished she thought about something for a second bo...

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I broke a piece of lindor and fed it to her " Damn It Winter Ur Changing My Boss This Is Weird " Jason said " Whos Boss What " She said i told her and her eyes went wide zhe slowly got up and started walking backwards " W...what " She said and she quickly turned around and took off running but 2 of my guards caught her " Put Her There " I said she looked at me with hurt and pained eyes " Im Sorry Kitten " I said i nodded at Steve aka one of the guards that caught her and he pulled a rag out i couldn't watch so i walked away " RYDE..." I turned and she was in the guards arms he looked at me asking for permission to carry her i nodded he picked her up and put her in my van and i drove us home when i arrived home i picked her up brital style and put her in the guest room i dont think she will want to see me rn i walked out and closed the doir and locked the latches and i went to my room i sighed and began working " I cant believe i had to do that " I said to myself

20 minutes later i was drowning in work when i suddenly started hearing her screaming " RYDER PLEASE LET ME GO " I heard her crying " PLEASE " She Yelled i tried to ignore her but her screaming got louder and she cussed alot " RYDER IF U DONT GET UR GODDAMN ASS IN THUS DAMN ROOM RIGHT THE FUCK NOW THE NEXT TIME I SEE U I WILL LITERALLY FUCKING SLIT UR GODDAMN THROAT " I Was A little shocked but i got up and went to the door i heard herfall against the door and slid down with a thud " Why Me " She Whispered Crying " Kitten Im Sorry " I said " Ryder Please H
If ur gonna do this atleast dont have me in a locked room please Ryder " She begged " Kitten I..i Dont wanna lose u ive never felt the way i feel about u and its only been a night " I said she sighed " Ryder Teel Me How U Feel Help Me Love U " She Paused To Take A Beep Breathe " Bc I Dont Want To Lose U Either " She said my heart exploded something i thought would NEVER Happen " Kitten..." I slid Down The Other Side Of The Door and leaned my head against it

Ben's POV

I heard Her Crying and then i heard Ryders Footsteps i walked upstairs and saw him sitting on the other side of the door crying i was suprised bc he has never cried " Kitten When I Looked At U Everytime i saw u tonight i felt the need to die for u i would take a bullet to the heart for u Kitten im afraid to lose u and ur not even mine ive been trying to make u fall in love with me but hearing u giggle hearing ur voice touching ur burning skin smelling ur strawberry scented hair seeing ur beautiful eyes i fall more in love with u each second that passes its like life is slow motion and i just want to kiss u and never stop " He said Crying i heard her gasp and a thud on the door " Ryder I Didn't Notice i Thought U Were Only Joking " She said he got up and put his right hand on the door and his forehead on the door looking down " I Love You Winter " He said " Ryder I...Idk Ive Never Loved Anyone Before But My Heart Aches Around U And I Really Have The Urge To Pull My Fingers through ur hair While kissing u Ive never felt that " She said " What Else Do U Feel About Me " He said " Ur Hair...Dont Laugh....But Ur hair makes Me think of dirt " She giggled her smiled " Ur Eyes Are dark but they make me imagine all the times id lay in the grass stairing at the star and singing my heart out i want to do that with u but......." she paused

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