Chapter seven- "You like me or somethin~?"

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Neil's prov

I've been at this school for a while, and it's decent. I do like it here. People aren't rude most of the time and it's not TOO big that I would get lost that easily. I met a couple of Snake's friends. They were nice most of them. One really freaked me out though. "So where to for lunch?" Snake asked buckling his seatbelt. "I don't know I'm not feeling anything fancy.." I said buckling mine. "How about we go to Burger King or somethin?" He asked starting the car "I'm...not particularly hungry really" I said thinking of my feelings I have when I'm around Snake. I was in denial. I knew the signs and I knew the feelings but I denied it every time I felt it. "What's wrong Neil?" Snake asked starting to drive off somewhere "it's fine I just have a lot of things on my mind..I actually kinda want some..cake!" I said mentally asking my tongue what I have a taste for. "Cake? Really?" He asked giggling a little "that's so not like you!" He turned a corner. "What I can't have a sweet tooth?" I giggled as well. It was unlike me to want something sweet for lunch, but I really want some chocolate cake. We pulled up to a bakery and entered looking around. "Damn that looks good.." I mutter looking at a moist, cream frosted, wipe creamed, and cherry on top chocolate cake. It looked so damn good, but my mouth watering thought of the slice of cake was interrupted by Snake's voice. "You want it?" He asked "wha-what? What'd you say?" I asked caught off guard. He laughed, and it made my cheeks heat up a bit. I can't believe I was so caught up in one slice of cake to not recognize other human existence. "I said do you want that slice?" He asked again. " don't have to Snake I-" "Thank you come again!" I heard a lady said. I quickly look over at Snake and back at the space the cake was at. It was gone. "You ready?" Snake asked smiling standing next to me with a bag in hand. "...Snake-" "it's ok Neil it's just a slice of cake" "at least let me pay you back" I said as we walked out the bakery back to the car. "No! Really Neil it's cool..I don't mind treating you" he said. I noticed a small tint of dark reddish color on his cheeks. I smiled and felt my cheeks warm up to. 'Those feelings! They're fucking back! Nooooo no no no Stop-' I thought. "You gonna get in?" He asked rolling down the window. I didn't notice my hand didn't move the door handle. I quickly get in the car with a blood shot face embarrassed. I looked out the window most of the time, until Snake broke the silence. "You want some tunes?" He asked gesturing to the radio. "Um sure" I replied. "Why do you get so nervous around me sometimes?" He asked turning the radio nob to find a channel. "Huh?! O um I-I dunno!" I stuttered. That was a question I wasn't prepared for. I didn't really know the answer myself...but at the same time I did. "You like me or somethin~?" He teased. My heart dropped and I felt my whole face turn completely red. 'No no way! I like girls I've had four relationships and 16 kisses in total from a WOMEN! I'm not-' my thoughts were interrupted by the scenery. We were on a hill with the sky a bright yellowish pink gradient. The sun was getting ready to set for our evening classes. Suddenly my car door opened, and I jumped a bit at it. "Cmon lets eat some cake" he smiled. I got out and was greeted with a small blanket that had our food on it, and Snake looking at the sky. I walk towards him and sit next to him. "Alright what gives?" I ask "what do you mean?" "This setting it's just" "romantic~" he interrupted. "Yea..romantic..did you plan this? I asked avoiding eye contact and looking at the sky. I know I was blushing..I'll admit it. It's just so different then what I'm used to in relationships. "No not really. I just figured I should show you somethin.." "what the sky?-mhm!" I was interrupted by semi-plump soft lips on mine. It felt nice. It felt way different then back then when I would get a kiss from a girl. It felt passionate, gentle, and loving. I hated that I enjoyed this kiss. I wish I wanted pushed him away. I wish I wanted to rinse my mouth out with alcohol or something. I wish I felt a different way then what I was feeling, but I still kissed back. We stayed like that for at least one minute, and then we separated, put our food in the backseat, and made out for like twenty minutes. It was my first time getting and giving hickeys. It was fun really fun, but I was wondering what would become of me and Snakes relationship. Friends with 'benefits' even though we aren't having sex, Boyfriends? Oh but what if he's not ready for commitment? What if I'm not ready for commitment?, or maybe a fling?? I don't know. "You sure left a mark Neil" Snake said looking in the mirror in the bathroom at his collar bone and lower neck. "Heh I'm sorry but I put it in a hideable place unlike you." I chuckled looking at my upper and middle neck. He chuckled to and kissed my cheek before saying his goodnights and going to bed. "I guess..I'm homosexual..who would've thought.." I mutter "I did!" I heard Snake from the bedroom part of the dorm. I smile and roll my eyes and say my goodnights turning out the lights.


I'm sorry this is a little short I've just been busy with commissions so I've done this chapter in parts for days. I hope you enjoyed ❣️

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