I Matter Most

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Went out to attack life in this cold world.

Got a few scars & burns from fake friends, people I let punk me, & a girl.

Made me realize how I misdirected my energy.

Used to bottle up all my anger & problems till I became my worst enemy.

Cause at the end of the day, no one really gives a fuck about the kid.

I'm out here on my own, forever on my independent shit.

& I embrace it to the fullest, cause Ion want no one to have any sort of control over me.

My emotions, money, time, strength, that's all for the one person who matters most:


A lot of lessons that showed me harsh truths.

How I wasted a portion of my youth.

The mind frame was stuck in a negative loop.

Too much time with a lack of purpose, so I felt I would forever lose.

Everyday a nigga feels alone.

Surrounded by strangers filled with hatred & fake love outside my comfort zone.

Don't wanna be here anymore, but I never wanna go back home.

Realizing I gotta keep experimenting & playing the field till I reach my goals.

Tired of looking for a mentor when the one I need is in the mirror.

Took the glasses off, & now I see the reason I was put on this earth is now much clearer.

Spread positivity, honor my moral code, take care of my well being, invest into myself, & give love to those that deserve it.

I done poured my goodness into people who didn't even earn it.

Steady letting the haters get to me, but I'm still here so they didn't win.

Nobody cares about excuses, so I just show my results in the end.

Used to ask why bad things happen to those tryna be & do good.

Life taught me no one is immune to evil, bad shit, or hurt, it's coming cloaked in a black hood.

So I stick to myself, don't even like goin out for too long.

The niggas around me chasin' ass all day, me? I just wanna write & sing a song.

Hard for people to understand my mindset, so I express it in the music.

Haven't made an official song yet, so this is a challenge to myself, I'll prove it.

I'll prove I can be consistent with my fitness goals & get stronger.

I'll perfect my voice so I can hold them notes longer.

I'll find another source of income so I can gain financial freedom.

I'll discover internal peace so all my niggas know that the demons lurking within, you can beat em.

I'll meet a down chick that's just for me that has all the qualities in a girl to add to my life.

I'll increase my vocabulary & word structure so I can move your emotions with the words I write.

It all has to do with me, cause I will always progress.

I'm forever creative, I'll never regress.

- Maãlík

Be Forever Creative.

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