better place😙🤗😌

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Well wsp people i got home today and when i tell you my bsf did to we all loved and said we bout have another baby 👀 i was like "yall are to shiii i got told the same thing"yea they fucked up they dont give us a chance to live like come on now i wont my baby but a chance at life to for me tf but we supposed to be ranking family pics my baby Daddy and loyalty oh meh to shiii
But okay here the pic of our baby

Well wsp people i got home today and when i tell you my bsf did to we all loved and said we bout have another baby 👀 i was like "yall are to shiii i got told the same thing"yea they fucked up they dont give us a chance to live like come on now i ...

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Thats loyalty my baby

This Dream jayla baby my niece/daughter bsf

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This Dream jayla baby my niece/daughter bsf

This Dream jayla baby my niece/daughter bsf

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This Sky kayla baby my niece/daughter bsf

So we all makin our babys bottles why there dad just yell at the game like tf
So grabed my baby my her bottle and went over there and put her in his and and they all lost and i said this is our baby not just mine nigga i said and he grabed her my bsf did the same thing then we took a shower together and got out we put on pink pjs from mall then we went down stairs to get our baby

"Yall take shower together"dayday said

"Hella yea we do we been bsf ever since 4 and we did that ever since we dont like getting in without eachother"we said at same time

"Ight so we gonna be rocking the babies to sleep so yall get ready"they said

"Its gone hurt dayday i dont want to no right now i dont want another baby i want to rasie her first"i said

"Go now!!"he said

I ran up stairs me and my bsf kissed each other and went our separate ways whats crazy i want a boy and yea

"Baby take your clothes of"dayday said

"Okay but baby i want a boy though"i said

So he said okay its been 9 months like literly so he happy and then i was bout to talk but he pownded in me fast then ab i yelled then he was going in and out it felt goood but hurts dont be mad im a sentisive person so yea


So we finally done i was sleepy and he nutted un me 6 times i cumed bout 7 but i dosed off so yea

Dayday pov

My bbay went to sleep the baby started crying but sihhh i wasnt bout to get up i was tired so i tried to walk up khira but she wasnt going so i got up and mad hu bottle she went to sleep i did to so

Khira pov
We at the store wit pregnant test and im just cant wait we move tomorrow i got home and told my baby we going to a better place i havent seen my brother cause they looking for the house him my sissys and his wife we moving from Chicago until they get 16 or 14 but yea our babys birthday was on november 23 sagittauris periodttt my birthday december 1 besties bithdays november but we walked out and tell me way this bitchhhh want to fight like bitchhh de only nehh each other from school so

"Bitchh you remeber whehh we was from school i want to fight tf so let go

"Okay"i said

When i tell you she swong and she got her ass beat then her friends tried to jump shiii my sissy wasnt going witch is ya know my bsf but they wasnt going so they got in and we whooped they asses i beat tf outta that girl dawg i wasnt playin tell meh way i get home we go to bathroom and we peep on the test aka pregnant text so we wait for a hour so we come back they say positive im like fuck im pregnant again like damn i just had my baby and now i cant Do shiii for my birthday neither bsf  so we all happy but like damn we bout to eat hella sihhh but yea 🍟🥞🍪🥓🥰🍛🍧🍶🍫🥤

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