bad bihhh party sleepover🍟🍧🎵

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1 month later.....khira pov

So my birthday today and my husband said i cant do nothing so im mad so imma have sleepover on the low on baby so i go called my sissys and bsf down stairs and told them its time to have a sleepover no drugs okay not drinking and most definetly no makin even though we only drink im just saying i got a baby on the way and my besties do to and the twins was laughing cause they know imma bout to get my ass beat and my besties just Saying we not trynna get hurt i laughed cause the scared well i was to but i mean what damage can they do im pregnant so he not gonna hit me that hard and same for my besties then we all said okay so we pack Pampers and wipes and we go to. the store this lil girl done shited real bad im mad asf so i sad she gonna wear it to she get to the house when i tell you my baby started yelling i ran to tf bathroom to change her she was laughing i den picked her up and we got the snack and hella other shiii for my party the babys are alomar 1 month old but yea so we get home and start putting the decoration up i was happy so we set the snack up and we set the TV to Netflix but we gonna dance first this what we danceing to

And we just started twerking the next twerk song was my shiii this it

When i tell you i fucked some shiii up i fucked it all the way up we was yelling danceing laughing on live and shiii then Netflix and chill but befor i could do anything else i was pulled AND im thinking ow shiiit like imma bout to get fucked up damn.... dayday pov

I was bout to smack her right then and there they all on live and she twerking but i had to keep my cool cause for one this is her birthday but i told her no birthday party i dont care if its just her sissys and besties like its the fact shiii is online doing it wit out asking meh but shiii

"So you said fuck wahh i said huh" i said

"I mean no but this family" k said

"Idgaf k you know what i said!!!"i said then ever one Turned laughing at her

"Okay damn im not gonna be on live no mo"k said

"Go to the room we gotta talk"i said

"No i dont want to"k said

"Ight so imma slap tf outta you then you gonna go huh"i said

She ran up the stairs fast den a bihhhh

"So yall know yall can still have the party when i get dont its just me and her talked bout her twerking online wit out asking so Carey on"i said

They just laughed and did what they was doing at first...

Im upstairs and i walked un the room she sleep i wake her ass up

"So you really tried me today huh you know what i said like tf you not listening foe do i need to hurt you huh cause dats what im trynna keep away baby"i said

"No im srry i wont twerk online again"k said

I still slaped her and then she went back down stairs and i went to sleep..........khira pov .

I was happy still he hit me one time so i didnt care but they looked at meh like Someone fucked me up well

"Damn girl i didnt know yo ass was gonna get slaped like dat shiii did it hurt"they said at the same time

I laughed and kissed all them and said les watch movie now guys okay then we watched movies i didnt want to lay down yet so i just stayed down there until our husbands came and got us they carried us  Bridal style i was about to get up but

"Where you going" d asked

"Im thirsty"i said

Next thing you know i got dick in my mouth sihhh i did say i was thirsty so okay so im going back to sleep cause i gotta go to my new school wit my sisters and yes i call the twins sissy now why cause i just think of hem Being my sissy

Wake up bihhhh wake up hoe wake up thot
So he like turn that shiii off damn i got up and got this on

IT was funny asf.....🤣

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