Reaction to ships

15 1 0

Me X  Baka: I'm disgusted! I'm clearly  not straight  or into boys that much, I see Baka as a brother! Bffs!

Me X Raven :Fuck  you  dickhead! I hate my ex! So FUCK HIM!

Me  X Princey: I don't mind being shipped with her, no complaints

Me X Splendi: the kink battles caused this, and I'm not complaining

Me x  Fc:This is my child! I see her as my child, even if she is 2 years younger  then me

Me x  Lizzy:No, just no

Me x Autumn: Same as with Princey 

Me x Tiny: *throws  up* You lied, chose my ex, left me, and still tried to be my friend, We were like sisters...and YOU LEFT  ME WHEN I NEEDED YOU!

Me x  avi:fuck  you 

Me x Jt: die in a fucking  fire bitch 

Tiny x Al: you two are perfect , fucking assholes  who aren't anything  besides  trash

Luna x Shadow: Perfect 

Ari  x tavon: YASS

Waelvor  x Semil  :GaYs!!

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