The Result

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"Rosé, this is the day of your appointment with your doctor right?"

Then Jungkook added. "About the result of all the tests."

"Yes" I answered over the phone.

"Are you ready?" he asked.

So I shouted him with. "I am nervous!" but we just laugh together.


"But am I ready?" in doubt I asked myself.

Fortunately, I was accompanied by my parents.

So we went inside my doctor's clinic for follow up and to discuss things.

He gets all the results of my labs and one by one he explained everything.

However, I can't fathom he is trying to say and got staggered.

Maybe this is what they are called denial.

I was only shaken when I saw my mother crying.

"Mom it's okay." though deep within me I want to cry out loud too.


Unaware, Jungkook followed Chaeyoung to show his support.

But he chose to stay outside the room as he hears how serious their conversation.

Hence, his life was shaken and started to weep for her.

And went home in low spirit.


After my follow up we went straight to the house where I saw Taehyung waiting for me.

So I immediately put my masked on to look optimistic despite of the results I got awhile ago.

And as I walked to him, I said to myself. "This is not the time to be pessimistic." just to uplift my spirit.

Therefore, I waved at him and I said. "Hi"

But he replied me with. "Is everything okay?"

Though in doubt of what he meant I repeat his question. "Is everything okay?"

Then forced myself to laugh and told him. "Of course everything is okay."


I invited him to come inside the house and have a meal with us.

And it feels good to see him smiling again.

I also did not forget to asked for his forgiveness for my attitude last night which he shrugged off easily.

After that Taehyung excused himself and said good bye to us.


He wanted to confront Jungkook thus, as he walks to his car he called him.

"Can we meet?" He asked as he drives to meet him.

Jungkook agreed and went to the said place as well.


Taehyung sees Jungkook coming so he raised his arm.

As Jk takes his seat he talked to him and became straight forward.

"Hyung what do you want to know?"

Being Taehyung himself he answered him with. "What are you doing in a hospital with Rosé?"

Then added. " Did something happened between you and her?"

Still no words come out to Jk's mouth.

So Taehyung raised his eyebrow and whisper. " No matter what happen you can't snatch her from me." then he left without getting any clear answer from him.


Alec Benjamin - Let me down slowly

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