Missing You

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"Jk, have you seen Rosie?" Taehyung speaks over the phone.

And he answered him with no.

"Why? Are you in her house?" he asked.

"Yes and there is no one here." Taehyung added.

Then Jk wonder and said. "She might be in the hospital."

So Taehyung called the hospital and her doctor but she is not there.


The two boys were so worried and called their friends.

Unfortunately, even them are not aware of her whereabout.

The day ends with them very anxious especially with Jungkook and Taehyung because for them it is like a torture.


Earlier the following day they all met.

"Did you receive calls from her?" Jungkook said in desperation.

"I haven't" Jisoo said which agreed by Jennie.

"But she said she has no plans for anything?" Lisa speaks angrily.

Meanwhile, others asked where is Taehyung.

"There he is." pointed by Jimin.

"Where have you been?" questioned by Yoongi.

He did explain where he went and unluckily he wasn't able to find Rosé.


"Oh my gosh! We haven't called her secretary." a brilliant idea of Jennie.

Which they hurriedly contacted.


"Hello" they said over the phone.

"I am sorry but I wasn't permitted to speak but Ms. Park said that she will call or give you a letter ones everything is okay. All I can confirm is she left the country." answered by Rosé's secretary.

As they ended the call they became weak as to why she needs to leave without them knowing.


Days passed that they cannot erase Rosé into their minds.

The anguish they are feeling is unbearable.

They are becoming more impatient until one morning they all received a letter with a bouquet of flowers for each representing their birthday though with Jungkook and Taehyung she adds rose on it.


Everyone rapidly open the envelope and read it.

My loves,

       First of all I want to ask for your forgiveness. I know my decision is sudden that I didn't able to inform you about me going out of the country. (But it is not important anymore cause I don't know if you can make it to meet me.)

        I know I am being selfish but bear with me.

        My reason for this is I want you to remember me as a beautiful Rosé and not a pale and sick one. (Please remember me your friend that you used to know. The good memories we shared all together.)

          I also wanted to express my gratitude to all of you especially to Jk and Taehyung (Taehyung and Jk).

           The love, time and patient you gave me is overwhelming and I cannot repay it.

          And because of this you made me to be deeply in love with you all, so much that I am asking and hoping for your unending happiness.

          I may not be there anymore but do not worry instead enjoy every single minute of your life.

           If I can make it, I'll make up to you but if not... I don't know yet.

           I am writing you this for everyone's peace so please, I beg of you to move on and live merrily.

           For one last time I wanted to say I love you all so much.😘

                Your one and only chipmunk,

PS. I sealed it with hugs and kisses.


Everyone gets so emotional that they want to run after her.


The end.

Thank you😘


Matthew Parker - I miss you

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