going to the park

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I put one arm around Mattia and Kai and they both layed their head on my shoulder while on their phones I was just playing with both of their hairs

Mattia then placed one of his hands on my thigh as if it was normal continuing to scroll through his phone no hesitation

Y/n: I'm bored as FUCKKKK

Alvaro: Same

Y/n: let's go to the park

Roshaun: Yes now go let's go

Alvaro: breathe bitch

Mattia: I'm down

Mattia said yawning , I then look at Kai and didnt even notice he was sleeping on my shoulder

Y/n: wake up

I said patting his head , knowing he doesnt like it cuz when people pay him in the head its usually bc hes short

He then got up and we went in kais car to the park near by apparently I didnt fucking fit in the car so I had to sit side ways

He then got up and we went in kais car to the park near by apparently I didnt fucking fit in the car so I had to sit side ways

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(Example :) ofc you're ass is basically on Mattias lap😍 IM JOKIN LMAO)

I was just laying my head on the window talking to Alvro and Mattia bc Roshaun and Robert were just on their phones , and kais driving

Mattia had his hands resting on my thighs basically , we then arrived to the park

Y/n: come on Kairi go on the swings

I said sarcastically knowing he would remember when he flew off last time

Kairi: Fuck you , but yes

Her ran straight to it and almost fell

Kairi: Ima drag you

Y/n: Me- Bitch for what

Kairi: You steal Mattia away from me

Y/n: BITCH how-

I just laughed

Kairi: he was all up on you on the car

It was only me and Kai on the swings the rest were on the slides and shit

Y/n: literally wasnt at all

Kairi: He had his hands all up on your thighs

I slapped him in the back of his head

Y/n: Jealous bitch

Kairi: You were making out with my boyfriend werent you

Y/n: Maybe I was

I knew what he was doing so I was trying to play along


he hopped of the swing

Kairi: MATTIA!

Mattia: Yes?

He pointed to come up to him,  Mattia started walking over

Kairi: did you make out with Y/n in the back? ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME

I was just enjoying the show

Mattia: ...

He didnt know what to say which I found so funny

Kairi: that's it were going back!

Y/n: I'll stay here

Kairi: No bitch

He then pulled me off the swing and dragged me to Roshaun and Alvaro

Kairi: Ground this child

Alvaro: Why

Kairi: Mattia cheated on me with her!

Roshaun: come on bitch

He then grabbed my arms and Alvaro grabbed my legs and they too me to the sand box

Roshaun: stay there bitch

I actually did end up staying there and was just vibing on my phone

Robert then came up to me

Robert: So you and Mattia?

Y/n: What about us?

Robert: You guys would honestly be cute together

Y/n: Thank you?

Robert: I know you just got outta a related but maybe shoot your shot

He then got up and left

I then just went behind him and went with the boys

Kairi: I need to talk to you ma'am

He then pulled me away

Y/n: wtf do you want

Kairi: If you dont kiss Mattia in this car ride back ima murderer you

Y/n: child you were just attacking me abt how I "already did" and he cheated

Kairi: okay but dead ass listen to me Bitch

Y/n: I'm listening asshole

Kairi: Mattia still has feelings for you , so make your move and he'll be down for it.

Y/n: I just got outta a rel-

Kairi: so?

Y/n: You know how many people are gonna attack me for being a "homie hopper"

Kairi: Are you cold again :)

Y/n: No?

I then realized , hes gonna pull the same shit he did with the sweater

Kairi: let's go now

He just started walking back


we then got into the car and got in the same position

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