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  The next morning Ellabell was picked up to go to the village orphanage because she had no mother or farther to look after her any more.

When she got there all she wanted to do was go back to her cottage even though she wasn't allowed to. But soon the orphanage had to close down because there was no-one to look after the children and it wasn't getting much funding. So she had to move to Bendsla's orphanage, which was in the middle of the city. At Bendsla's orphanage the children had more freedom to do what they wanted but they were treated poorly.

Since Ellabell wasn't from Bendsla, she was forced to clean the fire places and sleep in the attic. Sometimes when the attic got too cold, Ellabell would sleep by the embers of the dying fire in the kitchen. She was forced to cook everyone's meals, make their beds, and wash their cloths. This went on for eight years.

When she finally got adopted, it was by a woman.

"Who are you?" Was the first thing Ellabell said to her stepmom.

"I'm Tamila, and these are my two daughters. Gemisa, who has on her only dress, and Diles, who has her music on full ball which will eventually make her deaf. You'll met Bidi when we get home," said the woman.

"Ahhh, whose Bidi?" Was the next thing she said.

"Bidi is our family pet. She's an eagle."

"OH, okay."

As they were traveling home Ellabell had her face pressed up against the window.

"Never seen the city before have you?" Gemisa asked Ellabell.

"Of course she hasn't, have you seen the way they treat people from outside the city? They turn them into slaves." Diles retorted so Ellabell wouldn't have to speak. "What horrible chores did they give you?" She added on.

When Ellabell didn't answer Diles assumed that Ellabell was either deaf or a mute. And considering that she hadn't talked much in eight years. The only things she actually said was " yes ma'am" and "right away." So she didn't have much practise at talking to other people.

What she did have a lot of practise with was singing. Her favourite songs to sing are When the wind calls, Up high on the hill and Don't be afraid.

As she was going to bed that night she started to sing Don't be afraid.

"Though the world may seem scary,

you may feel like you're living in the dark.

You have got to have courage," was all she got through before Timila came and knocked on her door.

"Do you need anything Ellabell?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine." Ellabell answered. After Timila left Ellabell went back to singing.

"Of the spirits from afar

Don't be afraid of the darkness,

Don't be afraid of the monsters.

You don't have to be alone,

You don't have to be afraid.

When all hope is gone,

When your spirits start to sink.

You just need to look for the light,

You just need to find the friend that's always there.

Cause you don't have to be afraid,

Don't be afraid." And with that she fell asleep.

Cinderella From NowhereWhere stories live. Discover now