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  He looks so cute sleeping...

  Yo is currently sleeping, he knocked out once his head touched the pillow. He must be overworking himself for him to be so tired. I snapped some pictures, saved them to an album named "❤" then went out to start my shift.

Senior: So how's he? Those bags under his eyes were heavy.

Sky: He's fine Phi, thank you again.

Senior: Your welcome, take good care of him okay? I have to get back to my patient room now. You two look good together by the way.

Sky: Krub Phi.

  After my shift, I went back to check up on Yo again. He slept through all the 6 hours of my shift like a baby. When I had free time between patients I would go back and stare at his face, poke his cheeks, brush my hands on his soft hair then rush back to my patient room. If you're wondering what is the difference between patient and personal room, the patient room is the room where visitors consult us on stuff. Our personal room is sort of like a place to rest, our clinic had enough excess rooms to turn into resting rooms.

Sky: Yo... wake up na? We have to go for dinner.

T: Mmmmmm 5 more minutes Uncle Foo...

Sky: Yo, I'm not this Uncle Foo that you're speaking off. Wake up already na?

T: Mm? P'Pha? What time is it?

Sky: 6.30pm, you slept for 6 hours.

T: Shia!! I didn't tell Uncle Foo I'll be home late! Where is my phone Phi?

Sky: Don't worry, he called earlier just now. I told him you were resting in a clinic. Tell me, who is he? Why did he get so worried when he heard you were in a clinic?

T: Aw... you're jealous? Don't worry na, he is just our housekeeper. He took care of me since I was a small baby.

Sky: No I'm not, who says that I am. Let's go, we're both hungry already. What do you want to eat?

T: Ehhhhh, anything.

  Then his stomach grumbled very loudly and his cheeks begin to become rosy. So cute.

T: Where's the closest place?

Sky: The canteen, you have any preference on the food?

T: I want chicken basil rice. Pink milk too.

Sky: Ok, then it's settled, to the canteen we go!

  And then I proceed to princess carry him out of the room.

T: P'Pha!! Put me down, quickly! There's a lot of people here!

Sky: Yes dear wife, are you shy?

T: *mumbling* Tch, stupid P'Pha... asking the obvious, if we stayed together I would have made you sleep on the couch.

Sky: You said something?

T: No, nothing. Let's go already! I'm dying from hunger.

  Here we are at the canteen, as usual I buy the food and he buys the drinks. It feels perfect now, it finally feels right.

T: Phi, what are you doing on the phone? You're supposed to be eating.

Sky: I know, I know. Just doing something quick, what is your Ig name?

T: Toeyo, Capital T, then o e y o small letters.

Sky: Ok found it.

  I followed his Ig then posted a picture, but I couldn't tag him because he was rushing me to eat.

-Sky's Ig Post-

Photo of Iced Tea and Pink Milk, small part showing Toey's body. [No tag]

Caption: Completed 😏

Comments 79

PooBearPhun Ohoooo who is this? No tag?

    NohNohNoh @PooBearPhun He isn't like you who has to shout out to everybody 🙄

SSon Eiiiii Phi! You really have a wife?

SafetyPin Huh? What do you mean by completed?

    SSon  @SafetyPin You are the only dummy who doesn't get it 😒😂

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-End of post-

  At the end of the day I unfortunately did not get to send him home in my car because he drove to his father's company warehouse today. The warehouse wasn't far from the university, around 30 minutes walking distance, so I walked him over and let him drive home after giving a kiss on his forehead. And he promised to call me too when he got home.

  Now I just have to go home, take a nice shower and wait for his call.

Another chpt :P hope you guys are enjoying this ff... cuz I feel like it sucks due to my writing skills 😂 If it was somebody else writing this plot out maybe it would be better.
  Especially PrinceWayo, the god of fanfics in my opinion. If you don't know them, please I beg you to go to their fanfics and read them, don't forget to vote too okay? Don't become to engrossed that you forget to vote like me XP
(Also Senpai, if youre reading this thank you for even clicking on the notif ;-; I respects you much much and loves your fanfics a lot)

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