Chapter Two: The Rogue Bludger

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The crowd was cheering.

"Chaser Katie Bell grabs the Quaffle from Slytherin – you should pay more attention guys! Look at her flying majestically in the air, her hair swinging in the wind and her body- Sorry Professor McGonagall."

The voice was resounding through the mic, but you didn't pay attention to it. As soon as you noticed your team had the ball, you pushed the neck of your broomstick and rushed to the goals.

A vague of "Ooooh" rose when Katie missed her shot; the green-dressed half of the pitch cheered, the red one swore.

You stopped your movements and extended your neck to spot the Quaffle. Further on your left, a thump resounded: one of the Slytherin's Beaters tried to send the Bludger on a Gryffindor player, what led the two Gryffindor's Beaters to rush after him, bats straight in front of them, ready to treat him as a Bludger.

"I wouldn't like to be run after by Fred and George, I would fear to be awakened with a Dungbomb in my underwear."

You turned at the voice and cocked an eyebrow: "What are you doing? You're supposed to catch that damn Golden Snitch and end this match, soon we'll have to play in the dark."

You had been playing since the morning and the chill evening of February was falling, creating a contrast between the cool air and your hot skin, your ragged breathing drawing a little cloud as you spoke.

He pushed on his round glasses and huffed: "We could be in Quidditch Through the Ages. You know, next to the match that lasted four months."

You huffed and opened your mouth to answer when your eyes caught the opportunity; you grasped at the broom and flew towards the red ball, the air hissing at your ears, leaving the black-haired boy behind you.

Coldness bit your features as you passed between players, vaguely earing your name being shouted by Lee Jordan and taken by the crowd. You quickly exchanged a look with Katie, ready to back you up.

A Slytherin Chaser threw the Quaffle and you sped up to catch it in the air; you extended your arm, ready to-

"A Bludger!"

You got out of your sleep and sat straight on the bed. "A Bludger!" You passed your hand at the back of your head. "I've been hit by a Bludger."

At your side, someone exclaimed. You turned: Hermione was there, a pile of clothes in her arms, as she just arrived. "So you remember?"

You nodded, not questioning her presence more than that: "Yes, I've had this dream..." Your eyes went wide: "The twins who came yesterday! I remember them now. Fred and George! They were playing with me when it happened."

Your eyes fell on what she was holding: a tie was dangling from the pile, its red and yellow colours triggering your brain. "And we play for Gryffindor."

She lifted her chin and put your clothes on your lap: "You mean you are in Gryffindor. But indeed, you're a Chaser in the team, Fred and George are Beaters, and the Seeker is-"


You nearly yelled his name. "Yes, I talked to him some moments before the... incident."

Hermione helped you to get up and you stumbled a bit on your weak knees, having to take support on her shoulders. She raised eyebrows: "I see you remember Harry but not us."

Your cheeks took a light shade of pink, but she scoffed as she handed you your shirt: "Don't worry, it's normal. I talked to Madam Pomfrey this morning; she confirmed what I thought." You hummed as you removed your hospital gown and put your shirt on.

Draco Malfoy and the Gryffindor ChaserWhere stories live. Discover now