Chapter 1

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It was a late summer eve and mark and I were standing in the driveway. It was time to say goodbye again. I'm never gonna be used to this. I mean, I never know when he'll be home, oh heck! I never know if he's gonna come home!

Marks's apart of the U.S Military, he has to go fight in Germany. This is like, his 15th time going in the war to fight.

I sighed, "I wish you didn't need to leave..."

"Me either baby.. but I'll be back soon!" he smiled and hugged me.

I hugged back, as soon as we pulled away the wagon pulled up. Now it's really time for him to go....

"Bye Mark.. I'm gonna miss you.."

"Bye baby. Remember, I'll be back soon." he kissed me then hopped into the back of the wagon. I waved and walked back inside.

"Is daddy gonna be safe?" Aspen, my 10 year old daughter, asked me when I shut the door.

"He'll be fine, Aspen.." I kissed the top of her head and set down on our old, raggedy couch.

Here's the first chapter!!
Happy new year by the way!
But I'm in the past! (It's 12/20/14...)
-Past Chloe🔮

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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