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Mikey walked into Donnie's lab. "Hey bro, what are you doing?" Mikey asked cheerfully as Donnie jumped.

"Don't scare me like that....I'm making a new invention that will regulate new energy and transfer it to a-"

Donnie got cut of by Mikey. "You lost me at making....can I help?" He asked excitedly as he looked at the creation.

Donnie sighed. "Sorry Mikey, but this is kind of dangerous, you might get hurt." Mikey pouted at him.

"Please Donnie? I'll be careful...I promise!" Mikey begged, giving his older brother the famous puppy dog eyes.

Donnie ran a hand over his face. "Fine, you can stay...just don't touch anything." He said as Mikey smiled.

For a few minutes, everything was fine...until Mikey saw the big red button on the device.

"Hmm, wonder what that does..."  He thought to himself. He then sneakily walked over to it and pressed it.

"Mikey, don't-" Donnie watched as the device zapped Mikey, causing him to dissappear into thin air.

Donnie eyes filled with tears. "M-Mikey?" He stammered. "!" He cried. " only little brother."

Leo and Raph ran in. "What's going on in here?" Raph demanded. "Where's Mikey?" Leo added worriedly.

Donnie sobbed as he pointed to the ground. "He....He got hit by my invention and now he's gone."

Raph and Leo froze for a moment in shock, then they both looked down and cried. "No...not Mikey..."

"Uh guys, why are you crying?" A tiny voice asked as they all looked up in shock. "W-Who said that?" Leo asked.

"Me, I'm down here!" A tiny version of Mikey said. He was about two inches tall and looked very confused.

"Mikey, you're alive!" Raph immediately picked up tiny Mikey in relief, "Raph, careful!" Donnie warned. "You might squish him!"

Mikey looked around. "Hey guys... why'd you all suddenly get so big?" Mikey asked in a tiny voice.

"We didn't get bigger knucklehead, you got smaller!" Raph replied as Donnie sighed. "Mikey, I told you not to touch anything!"

Mikey smiled sheepishly and laughed. "Sorry bro, I was just curious...I didn't think I'd get shrunk down to the size of a pepperoni!"

Leo gently picked up tiny Mikey. "Can you fix him, Don?" Donnie nodded. "I should be able to, I have an antidote around here somewhere."

Donnie looked around his lab for a moment before grabbing a bottle. "Ah ha!" He cheered. "This should work!"

He gave a drip of it to Mikey, who drank it. "Nothing happened!" He said in his tiny voice.

"It might take a while to work, but don't'll be back to normal in no time!" Donnie assured.

Mikey smiled. "Well, I guess I can enjoy being tiny for a while!" He said as he pulled out his nunchucks.

"Woah, my chucks shrunk too!" Mikey squeaked as he held up his tiny nunchucks. "Awesome!"

Mikey then tries to get down from Leo's hand, but he is immediately stopped. "Mikey, you can't just jump off my hand!"

Mikey froze. "Why not?" He asked. "You're like, 100 feet in the air right now! If you hit the ground, you could get squished!"

Mikey sighed. "Fair point...can you at least put me on the ground?" He asked as Donnie shook his head.

Microscopic Mikey (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now