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jinyoung sat at his desk, fiddling with his pencil, not really paying attention to what the teacher was saying. math was definitely the worst class of the day. the teacher was annoying and a specific set of 3 guys bothered him with their presence.

he sighed quietly, thinking about what snack he'd eat when he gets home. he was really craving chicken, maybe he'd get some on the way home.

"um, can i please go to the bathroom, i feel like i'm gonna vomit." jinyoung looked over at the person who spoke. sitting was kim yugyeom. a tall boy that was bullied a lot got some reason. he seemed like he was very sweet.

the three guys jinyoung hated whispered to each other and then laughed. jinyoung immediately noticed how uncomfortable yugyeom got, he could obviously hear what they were saying.

"i guess so. maybe you should go to the nurse if you're sick." the teacher said, watching as yugyeom stood up and quickly left the classroom without responding. he looked quite out of it.

jinyoung made a funny face but looked back at the teacher who continued teaching. for some reason jinyoung has a really bad feeling, like something bad is gonna happen, but he cant really tell what.

he quickly puts his hand up and asks if he can use the bathroom. the teacher sighs but says yes. he runs out of the room pretty fast, looking around the halls like he's on a mission (he's pretending he's a spy.)

he runs off towards the closest bathroom hoping that yugyeom is in there and okay. he pushes the door open and slowly walks in, scared of what he may see.

sitting on the ground against the wall is yugyeom, he looks confused and tired. jinyoung makes a strange face before kneeling down in front of the younger boy.

"hey, i'm jinyoung. are you okay?" he asks quite cautiously not really knowing what's going on right now. yugyeom flinches at the sudden sound.

"where am i?" yugyeoms voice is quiet and gentle, he sounds quite cute to jinyoung, but that's not the point. yugyeom looks like he's about to pass out, and jinyoung really doesn't know if that's good.

"the school bathroom. are you okay? why do you seem so tired and confused?" jinyoung fully sits down, across from the very confused yugyeom.

"um, i took a bunch of antidepressants that i stole from my mom right before class, that might have something to do with it? i don't really know." yugueom sounds very unsure of himself.

jinyoungs eyes widen as he realizes what's going on. yugyeom is overdosing right now. now jinyoung is panicking, he doesn't know what to do, how to help. he doesn't know if it's server or like minor or something. he's not a doctor.

"um, how many did you take?" yugyeom seems to be thinking, he's counting quietly under his breath.

"like half the bottle. do you think it'll kill me? i hope it does. then people will stop being so mean. actually they'll probably still be mean, but at least i won't have to hear them calling me slurs and names everyday." yugyeom smiles at the thought of dying.

jinyoung frowns, did anyone at this fucked up school even realize how bad they were hurting this poor boy.

"hey is that a butterfly? it looks so pretty." jinyoung looks around, there's nothing in there but them. he quickly gets up, realizing that he is just getting worse.

"yugyeom stay awake, i'm going to get help i'll be back stay here." jinyoung runs off, ignoring the protests of the boy who couldn't even get up to move.

jinyoung thinks of who could help, maybe the math teacher. he quickly runs to the classroom, pushing the door open loudly, watching as everyone turns their heads to look at him.

he chuckles nervously and quietly asks to speak to the teacher in private.

"um, yugyeom is overdosing in the bathroom he needs help and you're the only person i could think of." jinyoung says this quite quickly, watching as a shocked expression appears on the teachers face.

she quickly tells the class she'll be back before following jinyoung to the bathroom. jinyoung pushes the door open and softly calls out to yugyeom who doesn't answer, which obviously scares the two people.

"no no no, yugyeom wake up." jinyoung kneels in front of the unconscious boy, going to feel for a pulse. his heartbeat is quite fast. the teacher asks jinyoung to move, which he does of course.

"go outside and call 911 please." jinyoung nods and leaves the bathroom. he quickly dials and talks to the operator and tells her all the details of yugyeom trying to kill himself in the bathroom.

in the middle of talking he hears his teacher call his name frantically, he quickly runs in. yugyeom is seizing in her arms, jinyoung gasps and tells the operator what's going on, she tells him that ambulances and police are almost there and to remain calm.

within minutes, police and ambulance people start coming in, putting yugyeom on a stretcher, questioning as they take him away. students are watching with shock, yugyeom starts seizing again and their are gasps heard. one guy seems to be recording.

everyone is given the rest of the day off, everyone goes home while jinyoungs parents come to pick him up, obviously quite concerned and scared for their poor poor son.

what really ticks jinyoung off tho, is when the call yugyeom a slur and say he's just a stupid drug addict. this is exactly why yugyeom tried to kill himself in the bathroom.

at that moment, jinyoung promises to himself that he's going to protect yugyeom from the day on.

ummm i saof i would publish this later but i got excited 😁 sorry it's kinda bad i haven't slept yet 😅

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