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"how can you even hang out with them?" jinyoung asks, closing his locker as he watches jaebeom, mark and jackson write something on a sticky note and stick it on yugyeoms locker.

"i don't know, mark is actually really nice. i cant stand jaebeom though, he's even rude to his friends." youngjae says, very obviously staring at mark, who looks over, smiles and waves at youngjae.

jinyoung watches as youngjae smiles brightly, and he sighs. youngjae probably only hangs out with them because he's in love with mark or something.

yugyeom is still in the hospital yet people are already back to being rude and bullying him. he just hoped that everyone wouldn't do that when the boy came back to school next week.

jinyoung walked over to yugyeoms locker just so he could read what jaebeom wrote. youngjae followed behind him, staring at mark, they were very clearly eye flirting and anyone could tell.

"yugyeom is a whore, i have his pics and his body isn't even that good." jinyoung read the sticky note out loud so that youngjae would hear what it said. 

youngjae frowned, how could someone be so gross. they both doubted that jaebeom actually had yugyeoms nudes, they doubted yugyeom even had nudes, but either way the note was gross, so jinyoung took it off and ripped it up.

jaebeom glared at them from across the hall, obviously annoyed that they ripped up the note he worked so hard on. jinyoung rolled his eyes and gave him the finger before grabbing youngjaes arm and dragging him to class.


"why does mark hang out with jaebeom anyways." jinyoung asks, looking over at youngjae who just looks down and shrugs. they're currently getting lunch off school property, at mcdonald's.

"i guess he just feels pressured? they've been friebds for years, he says that jaebeom only started being mean like a year ago. now he's just scared that if he stops being friends he'll be jaebeom's next target." youngjae rambled without even noticing.

"i shouldn't have told you that. don't tell mark." youngjae says quite quickly after realizing he might have said way too much.

"i won't. i'm not talking to anyone who associates with jaebeom. well other then you." jinyoung says, patting youngjaes head and smiling at him.

"touch me again i will destroy you bitch." jinyoung giggles, but covers his mouth after realizing he did so. youngjae smiles, he thinks jinyoung is honestly adorable.

"you know, we should visit yugyeom when school is over." youngjae says shoving a fry into his mouth and then offering one to jinyoung who takes it happily.

"do you think he'll even wanna see me? i mean he wanted to die so he's probably not happy i saved him." jinyoung says, even though there is food in his mouth.

"don't talk with food in your mouth nasty bitch. but he probably is thankful, maybe he just doesn't know he is." jinyoung chuckles at the first part, sometimes he really wanted to punch youngjae.

"hm, i don't know maybe. you'll have to drive though since i crashed my car into a mailbox last week." jinyoung says, stealing one of youngjaes chicken nuggets, only to have his hand harshly slapped.

the next few minutes are filled with a lot of laughter and play fighting because jinyoung won't keep his hands off of youngjaes food. they really don't wanna go back to school, but if they skipped they'd get in trouble.

"do you wanna just go to the hospital now? i dont wanna go to class i have science." youngjae says, him and jinyoung are leaving the restaurant now, they have 3 minutes to get to the school before class starts.

"sure why not. you wanna walk there?" jinyoung offers, looking over at youngjae who immediately starts smiling and nodding quickly.

"i was literally gonna ask you the same thing." "well great minds do think alike baby." youngiae feels his cheeks heat up a bit at the word baby, but he ignores it.

a few minutes later, while they're walking and laughing together, youngjae subconsciously intertwines their fingers. it doesn't bother jinyoung at all, they're really close so it's not new, he just swings their arms back and forth.

little do they know that jaebeom watched and took several pictures of them and they're little date.

yuh this chapter is kind of a filler but it also kinda introduces youngjae and jinyoungs best friendship 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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