Chapter 1: Hogwarts, here they came!!!

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Daniel couldn't believe it! He was finally standing on Platform 9 3/4, he was finally going to Hogwarts! He was almost bursting with joy, well... Almost. He glanced at his father, biting his lip. Ralph Jones was standing there, staring at him with icy cold eyes, disgust etched on his face. He caught his glance but no change was visible in his face expect for a dangerous flash in his eyes.
" Daniel Oliver Jones!" His father called. Daniel flinched but walked over nonetheless.
"Yes father?" He answered, not meeting his eyes, carefully trying to keep his voice from wavering. His father glanced at Amanda, Daniel's mother, and lowered his voice.
"Remember what I said, Slytherin or nothing, do you understand me? I swear if you get in any other house, I'll choke you!" He growled, eyeing his son's neck as if already imagining his hands squeezing it.
"Yes father" his son repeated, using all his willpower not to cower. He knew his father wasn't kidding, he had the knives marks on his upper arm to prove it.
"Now, I don't want you messing around with any mudbloods, all right?" Daniel clenched his teeth, anger bubbling inside him. What was his father's problem???
Despite that the battle of Hogwarts had been 15 years ago and that the Minister for Magic herself was muggle-born, Ralph still despised muggles and anything related to them. He still believed in He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named ideals.
"Here, take this." His dad handed him a wrapped package. Knowing him it was probably a muggle-hunting tool, it was easy for him to have them, he dealt in illegal activities, well to be precise he hunted muggles for fun. This wasn't exactly a fact Daniel was rather proud of. Daniel took the long thin and heavy package and stuffed it in his already overflowing bag, feeling sick. He would've preferred his dad had not come, his mother alone would've been fine, no way better indeed. His father was about to say something when Amanda called
"Honey, the train is leaving soon! Come on on!"
Ralph Jones should her a swift look and pushed Daniel towards his mother. Amanda was the only person he cared about, he loved her like he had never loved his son. And she was the complete opposite of him. Sweet, kind and caring, her son was her most prides possession. She enveloped him in a bear hug and kissed both his cheeks, holding him before her she frowned.
"Sweetheart you like pale, are you okay? Is my baby nervous?" She fussed
"No mom, no worries, I'm fine." Daniel lied.
"Don't worry about it deary. You'll make loads of friends at Hogwarts. " She mistook his fear for nervousness. He wasn't scared of being lonely, he was scared of HIM. His father.
"Oh! And what's that package your dad gave you?" She asked, looking at it curiously. Her son cringed internally, Amanda didn't know about her husband's not-so-normal activities. "Oh! It's nothing. Just a goodbye present. " Second lie. It wasn't nothing.
"He didn't tell me about it... Well anyways, I hope you'll enjoy it!" She replied, skipping with excitements the thought of her little boy going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry .
I doubt it... Daniel muttered internally.
"Oh... you're so grown up! Don't forget to send us an owl when you arrive, and be careful not to get lost, you don't want to be late on your first class! " She advised
"Yes mom" he said, his voice muffled as she quickly hugged him again, pecked his cheeks and ushered him to the train as the whistle blew. He leaned out of the window as the train's engine started, waving at his mom. She waved back, a big happy smile spreading across her face, and behind her, his father was looking straight at his son pointing a finger first at himself than at his eyes, and finally at Daniel.
I'm watching you
But for the first time, it didn't scare him. He was finally free of Ralph and his violence and hatred. He was going to a place full of magic and hope. He stood, staring out of the window.
Hogwarts here he came!
Little did he know that three other kids were also staring out of the window and thinking the same thing. Prepare yourself:
Hogwarts here they came...

Hi it's QN, Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I don't know when I will update but I guess pretty soon. Thank you again,
See ya!!! 😁😘

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