Chapter 2: Great Heroes Are Coming

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Daniel didn't feel like going in a full compartment, he had been wandering around for the past 20min when he finally found one. He sighed in relief rushed in and flopped down on a seat, closing his eyes.
"Ummm... Hey? You need anything?" A hesitant voice asked to his right. His eyes snapped open and he whirled around in shock
"What the hell?" He cursed seeing a kid the same age as him with dark air tinged deep blue at the tips. The guy had fair skin and wide brown eyes so deep you could feel like drowning into them and was looking at him with a blank expression painted on his face.
"Heh. Hi, I'm Daniel" the poor kid said, desperately trying to gather his dignity and pretending he hadn't just barged in like an uneducated brat.
Blank stare
"Um... I'm really sorry, I didn't see you there." Daniel said, squirming uncomfortably. The blue-haired guy looked at him curiously as if debating on wether he should be offended by that uncivilised entrance. Apparently he came to the conclusion he wasn't
"Hey, I'm Alec. Alec Fang!" He introduced, smiling a wide grin  and looking unfazed.
Soon, both kids were deep in conversation, talking about Quidditch, the classes they were most excited to take and finally it amounted to...
"What house d'you wanna be in anyway?" Alec asked, snacking on a pumpkin pastie.
"I wanna be in Ravenclaw! Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure" he chanted
"Oh! Umm... My dad wants me to be in Slytherin." Daniel answered, a blush creeping in his cheeks, ashamed. Alec stopped mid-bite, staring at him incredulously as if to say You're joking right? When he saw Daniel was dead serious he shuffled uncomfortably, looking uneasy
"I guess that's good too"
"You don't look that convinced" Daniel muttered dejectedly
"No! I mean yes! I mean Slytherin is really good too, I mean it, I swear!" Alec quickly said, desperately trying to make up for his previous reaction.
"Yeah... If you say so..."
"I mean, apart from the wizards who've gone bad, there were lots of great wizards."
"Yeah! There was Regelus Black, who, when he realised You-Know-Who was going too far, decided to take action. No one knew it at the time but he secretly seeked out the Dark Lord's deadly Horcruxes in the quest to destroy him." Alec recounted, his eyes alight with passion. He loved telling stories, and his recounting skill was incredible. You couldn't help but be full of amazement and tension too when you heard him telling a story.
"D'you know that one of my idols was a Slytherin?" He asked, now munching on a Cauldron Cake.
"You surely know him. Severus Snape, Double-Agent for the Order of the Phoenix." He continued with reverence, though the effect was ruined as he was wildly waving his cake around.
"See, Snape was a Death Eater. But when You-Know-Who decided to kill the Potters, he just couldn't let that happen. Lily Potter has been his best-friend and classmate at the time and he had secretly fallen for her. Even after she married James Potter he still harboured a burning love for Lily. He couldn't let anyone hurt her, not even his Lord... So he warned Dumbledore, also known as the greatest wizard of all time and the only wizard the Dark Lord ever feared. But they did not manage to save the family. For, sadly, they had been betrayed by the Potter's close and power-hungry friend: Peter Pettigrew." Alec proclaimed dramatically. His new friend was hanging onto his every words. Of course, he had known Severus Snape's story, but he had never heard it counted with such emotion. Alec unwrapped a Chocolate Frog, shoved it in his mouth without even looking at the card and continued:
"Snape was devastated and heartbroken. The death of Lily Potter definitely turned him against his Master. He brought very valuable inside informations to the Order and was so good at his job that even Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, thought Snape was on You-Know-Who's side. But he died at the Dark Lord's own hands." His voice turned sad and his eyes dropped to the ground as if he had actually known Severus.
They stayed there in silence for a long time until Alec said
"Slytherin's got a pretty bad rep because they were on the wrong side of the war. And people tend to forget all the good people who have helped and done amazing stuff for humanity. They get forgotten... So, ya know when you said Slytherin, I was kinda stunned. Everyone's turning against them, and no one wants to be in there anymore. But it's wrong cause Slytherin's got as many heroes as any of the other houses." He sighed heavily
"Yeah I know" Daniel said quietly "we should probably get changed, we're arriving soon." He tried not to think about it, but the thought that every Slytherin that had done something useful during the Dark Times had died a very gruesome death kept creeping back into his mind.
As they left, Alec's ignored Chocolate Card gleamed on the seat. Severus Snape's portrait stared up at the ceiling, eyes twinkling a if to say.                    You Just Wait
    Great Heroes Are Coming This Way

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