Chapter 3: The Sorting

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As they got off the train, dragging their trunks in the mud behind them, a gruff voice called:
"Firs' years! Firs' years! Right this way!" A half-giant with a scruffy beard hiding most of his face stared down at them, eyes twinkling with kindness.  
"Hagrid!" Alec exclaimed, giving him a hug around one of his legs, as it was the only part of him he could reach.
"Ah, Alec! How was yer trip?"
"Awesome! You know I would never say otherwise!"
Hagrid chuckled, his eyes glowing with warmth as he tussled Alec's hair with a hand the size of a dustbin lid.
"Well now, get in the boat!" He said, ushering Alec forwards, not even looking in Daniel's direction.
"Hagrid, I made a friend in the train." He said glancing at Daniel then looking back at Hagrid insistently, hoping he'd catch the hint.
"Oh! Um... Hello!" The groundskeeper awkwardly said.

Even though Hagrid had jolted around with a startled expression on his face, to Daniel it looked as if he had slowly turned in a dreary movement his features distorted by a snarl. He froze, paralysed by terror. He couldn't help it, from his youngest age, his dad had filled his head with horrible stories of "half-breeds" as he called them. Half-giants torturing defenceless wizards, werewolves biting the necks of little kids and centaurs breaking the bones and tearing the skin of young maidens. He turned pale, shaking with fear, slowly looking up the massive body to the face of the man.

He was surprised to see kind eyes, looking down at him with sympathy. This man didn't look cruel, he didn't seem violent or mean as his dad said they would. He looked... much more human than some pure-bloods he could name.
"Don't yeh worry, kid. Everything's gonna be alright" he put his vast hand on Daniel's shoulder than trudged down to the lake with the other first years.
Daniel stayed there, stunned. What else had he been wrong about?


The two boys stood in front of the big oak doors of the Great Hall, where so much of history's greatest figures had passed before them. Alec was a wreck. A very happy wreck. He was inspecting every little details of what was around them, etching it in his mind. In a few minutes he would be in the same place as so many of his idols and predecessors had been. Daniel just stood there, his mind having trouble processing everything.
Finally a very, very small wizard appeared behind them.
"Hello First Years! I am Professor Flitwick, Head of RavenClaw! The Sorting will begin shortly. Follow me!" He said jovially, opening the massive doors revealing a huge hall behind.

There were four tables, each with it's respective students. The students to the very right were wearing black robes adorned with red and gold. The tables to it's left were wearing the same black robes but with blue and bronze, than yellow and black and finally emerald green and shining silver. At the top table overlooking everyone else were the teachers. A stern looking woman sat at the Headmaster's chair. She was Professor McGonagall, renown for having fought in the battle of Hogwarts. She was said to be a formidable witch. Professor Flitwick placed a battered looking hat on a stool in front of the school. The brim near the bottom opened and began to sing:

In this school, four houses dwell,
And I was chosen to sort you well.
Each has its own valour,
Do choose well your colour.

Gryffindor in red and gold,
For the brave at heart all bold.
Chivalrous and courageous
They will fight for what is right.

Ravenclaw where wits are first,
With an undying learning thirst.
Brains and talents are needed,
Wisdom is the first good deed.

Hufflepuff where kind hearts are,
Where loyalty is praised by far.
Dedicated and hard-working,
They will ditch their friends for nothing.

Slytherin welcome all sorts of cunning,
Once their mind is set on something, they will stop for nothing.
More proud and ambitious  than the rest,
They will reach for the sky's very highest.

Which house do you wanna be?
Loyalty or Chivalry
Learning or Ambition
Which is your true passion?

The hat finished to applause from all the five tables. The first years lined up in front of the Sorting Hat anxiously waiting for the first name to be called. Professor Flitwick unrolled a scroll and cleared his throat. Silence fell as every person's eyes were drawn to him.

"Adams May!" A girl with curly reddish brown hair shining copper in the candle lights walked forwards. She had gray-blue eyes and freckles. Professor Flitwick placed the Hat on her head.
The second table to the left exploded in cheers.

"Bollston Gaspard!"

"Dovey Clarissa!"

A few other names were called until it was Alec's turn
"Fang Alec!"
"RAVENCLAW!" The hat yelled to the assembly after a few seconds of silence. Alec took off the hat and punched the air triumphantly, literally running over to the Ravenclaw's table. He got friendly claps on the back as he sat down and immediately started talking to a third-year boy to his right. A few other people were called to the front until...

"Jones Daniel!" Little Professor Flitwick called. Daniel looked around nervously, biting his lower lip. His eyes landed on Alec as his friend turned around. They locked eyes and the blue haired teen grinned, giving him thumbs ups. Daniel took a big breath and walked forwards, the last sight he saw before the Hat was lowered over his eyes was all the stares of his comrades boring into him.

Oh, you're an interesting one aren't you? A voice murmured in his mind.
Yes... You have a fiercely loyal heart. But I see bravery too, in a less obvious form but here nonetheless. Yes, yes bravery, so much bravery. But a cunningly brilliant mind too. My, my how difficult. It's been so long I haven't seen a child like you. A child with all the valours each of the four founders valued. I wonder what they would say...
But I see you want to make your father proud...
Yes, Daniel thought
You could be great in Gryffindor you know? You could become a part of history in Ravenclaw,
or be remembered by your goodness in Hufflepuff. But I see you have your mind set. Then it shall be

The green table cheered as loudly as they could but it wasn't much as most of the three other tables just looked disgusted. Alec whistled and clapped, not worrying that the other Ravenclaws were staring at him, dumbfounded. He walked over to his table, a mingled feeling weighing his heart. It was a mixture of relief and... disappointment maybe. This would be his biggest what if. What if he had not been influenced by his father's expectations and opinions? What if he had not told the Sorting Hat he wanted to be in Slytherin?

He sat down next to a happy-looking fourth-year.
"Hey, I'm Gregory. But everyone just call me Greg."
"Oh hi, I'm Daniel"
He shook his hand.
"Ya happy to be in Slytherin?" He asked
"Uh... I guess"
After Wood Anthony was sorted in GRYFFINDOR!!!

Professor McGonagall stood up.
"I know that if I say anything right now you kids will not listen." She scolded them but there was a kind light in her eyes.
"So let the feast begin!"
Everyone cheered.

Hi, it's Queenly Night! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really took so much fun writing it!
I think I'll post a new chapter next week.
Until then, take care yall.
And thank you!!! 😁😁😁

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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