Chapter 19

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Chapter 19- Blue eyes.

Sasha P.O.V

I plopped down face down on my bed burying my face in the pillow, Why on earth did I kiss him? I kept asking myself his lips were so nice the moulded perfectly to mine and so soft wait what? snap out of it Sasha! I groaned thinking off someone to call I scrolled through my contacts pausing at Aiden's number we were pretty close so I could talk to him about the situation, but then I remembered he was close to Evan and would'nt want him getting in trouble for the shit. I landed on Maria I barely knew her but I could give her a edited version of the story I suppose....

I dialed the number she had put in my phone, "SASHA" she squealed loudly causing me to take the phone away from my ear for a moment,

"Do you wanna hang out?" I asked

"OH MY GOD OF COURSE, MEET ME AT STARBUCKS IN FIFTEEN OK? LOVE YOU BYE!" She said excitedly where does she get all this energy from? she hung up before i had chance to reply, I just stared at the phone Woah she speaks fast.

Quickly I straighten my hair again and put on my black real ugg boots as they were more comfortable then my army styled boots and grabbed my black studded leather jacket and rushed out the door towards my motorbike arriving at Starbucks in a few moments later. A crazy purple haired lady was waving like a mad women in one of the brown leather corner booths at me smiling a little I slide into the booth.

She slide a steaming drink over to me "I got you a hot chocolate because I didn't know what you wanted"

"It's fine Maria" I replied taking a sip of my drink,

"Anyways what is up chick?" she asked peering at me,

After explaining the situation editing out the bit about Evan violence towards me, she let out a sigh.

"Well okay I admit I have had my fair share of guys, I think you should wait abit longer with this Evan dude because well he might be busy but if he doesn't then it is his loss I mean it wouldn't take long to just send you a text jeez and Damien's hot stuff!" She stated wiggling her eyebrows at me causing me to roll my eyes at her,

" I suppose because when I did practically live with him, he was busy alot with Erm" I trailed off a little debating whether I should say anything about being in a gang, I mean I barely knew her but yet it felt like I had known her years!

" Busy with what? you can tell me honestly" She said shooting me a reassuring smile,

"Gangs" I replied blandly staring in to my empty cup not wanting to maintain eye contact,

"Oh well I suppose he would be busy is her like a leader well respected dude?" she asked casually like everyone you meet are involved in gangs or was eugh I don't even know if I am in the gang anymore!

"Yes, wait what?" I stuttered blinking a few times before meeting her amused twinkling chocolate brown eyes 

She let out a small chuckle "My older brother was in a gang"

"Oh" was all I could think of too reply,

It was silent for a moment before a thought popped in to my head "How come I had never seen you before like you know before I went away?"

"Oh yeah we moved here about a month ago" She answered not meeting my eye contact with her there was obviously more to the story ,

"Cool, where are you originally from then?" I asked

"North Dakota but recently I lived in Los Angeles with my brother"

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