Haha fire go brrrrrrr

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So I was talking to my online friend and we made some headcannons that Ray vapes and we also were lookin thru her old art and found that she used to draw only furries so I drew a bunch of Ray and made him a furry too

So I was talking to my online friend and we made some headcannons that Ray vapes and we also were lookin thru her old art and found that she used to draw only furries so I drew a bunch of Ray and made him a furry too

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And thennnn same gal was talking bout how she drew Phil all over her arm and then it like imprinted onto her legs and stuff too and she called it the Phil pox and I said I wanted the Phil pox so

And thennnn same gal was talking bout how she drew Phil all over her arm and then it like imprinted onto her legs and stuff too and she called it the Phil pox and I said I wanted the Phil pox so

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My contribution to MerMay

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My contribution to MerMay

Aaaaaand the drawing I am proudest of

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Aaaaaand the drawing I am proudest of

I have been working on this for weeks and I just now realised I forgot to put highlights on the jacket

I have been working on this for weeks and I just now realised I forgot to put highlights on the jacket

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Here's just a zoomed in one

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Here's just a zoomed in one

Anyway yeah this is Isabella from TPN

And then I drew the same online friend as before but as an Animal Crossing character

And then I drew the same online friend as before but as an Animal Crossing character

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I am so tired help

Oh also I got in a skateboarding accident yesterday and I think I broke my kneecap and I have my elbow bandaged up and aaaaaaa everything hurts

Ok nap time bye

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