The day you left

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I'd recommend listening to „End of an era" by Zack Hemsey while reading this.

The brown haired male stared at the dark sky and thousans of stars were reflected within his eyes. Usually he loved looking at them this way, dreaming about space and the life it may hold. But today only sadness dwelled in his shattered heart.

It was stupid he thought to himself. Stupid that he was thinking he could actually be happy, be loved. He was so stupid. But you never know before, huh?

A tear escaped the corner of his eye and he tried to close his eyes to stop it from rolling over his cold cheek.

Today was the day of him graduating and he should be happy, he should be celebrating with his best friends or his family. However, the brunette sat at the roof of the building he was living in, crying about a friend he will not see again. A friend who left.

Iwaizumi, his best friend, the friend he was secretly having feelings for for years, died from cancer today. Life wasn't fair. He always knew it wasn't. But he still kept that slight hope that maybe Iwaizumi could survive this, that maybe they could attend university together, that maybe they could share a lifetime. That they could've been happy.

Oikawa did not even see him before his death and not on the days before either. Iwaizumi didn't want him to see him that way, laying in the hospital bed. Being weak. Oikawa told him he didn't mind, he just wanted to be with him, but Iwaizumi refused. He told him it wasn't that bad and that he would attend their graduation ceremony.

So Oikawa waited for him at the school gates. He never showed up but instaed his grandma came to get his diploma. She also told him that Iwaizumi was in a very critical state. The brunette didn't waste a second when he heard that. He begged for Iwaizumis grandma to take him to the hospital and she did. He basically ran to Iwaizumis room only to hear his mother sobbing.

Then a nurse told him the words that made his heart break into millions of pieces. "We're sorry. Mister Iwaizumi is died one hour ago. We did everything we could."

His thoughts were racing inside his head and another throb escaped his dry throat. He was dead and he will never come back. He will never have the chance to tell Iwaizumi that he loved him or that he planned to enroll at the same university as he did just to have a bit more time with him. 

„I miss you so much, Iwa-chan. I really do" he sobbed again „please... please come back to me. I don't want to be without you. I can't be without you." His voice cracked as he whispered those words to the stars, hoping they would carry them over the frontiers of death itself.

„I love you so much. And I- I... I never got the chance to tell you. I was too afraid. I was so dumb. I should've just told you that I loved you but I didn't and now it's too late." Tears streamed over his face as he was trying to catch a breath.
„It's too late"

He did not receive an answer. Of course not. The dead remain dead even if their loved ones miss them so much that the pain is worse than dying itself. This world truly is a cruel place.

„One day you said that death does not harm the dead but the living. You were right." Oikawa cracked a weak smile thinking of that night. They laid on the roof he is sitting on now, talking about everything. About school, love, the world, about death. Those days were peaceful. A few months later Iwaizumi was diagnosed with cancer and even though the doctors did their best they could only give him some more months.

„You promised me that we'd graduate together, you know? On the day of your diagnosis you promised me that you'd spend this day with me, even if you have cancer. That you would not let it take away this day. But Iwa-chan, you weren't there... You weren't there! You weren't there!"

Oikawa just kept talking. He said all those things he wanted to tell Iwaizumi. All those things he couldn't tell him anymore.

„Why did you leave me? Why? Why you? Out of all the people? I can't imagine living without you. Heck, we weren't even together but I always imagined us sharing our lives, that was the one dream I had, the only thing I ever wished for. To stay with you."

The cold wind caressed his wet cheeks and made him shiver.

„I love you so much, Iwa-chan."

And eventually the stars fulfilled his wish and carried his words beyond the frontiers of death for them to reach his loved one.

This is kinda shitty, I'm sorry. It's also very short. I'm so sorry for all my grammar mistakes!! English isn't my first language and to be honest I'm not that good at it...
Anyways thanks for reading!
- L

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