Story of my life

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<A gift for my132 readers!>

Months passed since David joined us. I feel something bad coming but I think it nothing at the same time. "What's wrong Selene"
"Nothing I just want to be left alone" I feel empty in side and I don't know why. I stood up and looked at Michael Eve and David "I love you Eve and Michael. David...thank you for........"
"SELENE!" Michael fell to his knees
"She's not breathing" I could see what my past was like I could see and hear the screams of my sister and seeing my fathers face and why I fell in love with Michael. it's all clear to me now. <Michael cut his rust and put his blood into Selene's wound.> suddenly I awoke I saw Michael hovering over me. "Eve lets leave your dad" I heard David whisper to her.
"I feel different"
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know everything seems so clear to me know"
"Why what did u see"
"Why my family died but I already knew that and how I fell in love with you and why I didn't know why I was pageant with Eve" I want silent for a few minutes.
Want me to go and get Eve?"
"Sure" when he left I laid in silence. what really happened I that war and why did I never remember the things of my father or my mother I never had any visions of my mother and I don't know why but in going to find out because this makes no sense. I don't even know her name but I know some one who might. my mother brother he lives in volenfell. but some how I have another sister still livening but she was a vampire before I even knew they where real. her name is Jessy.
"Eve. I know why the battle had become and I have another sister to tell me about my mother I never had visions of her but I did of my father"
"The first thing your doing I'd getting better.. again

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